This. I get filtering.

Kane splitting at speed is just asking for it.

Columbine HS literally prohibits them now since the two perpetrators wore them.

As a motorcycle rider, same.

Other riders will see me parked, strike up a convo about vintage bikes or how other drivers don’t give us room, don’t see us, don’t understand, etc.

They’re sane level headed people. Then they’ll go to their bike and rev it up for 16 minutes outside of the quiet cafe we’re in front of.

Just…the introspective is not there. You. You’re the problem.


The guy who’s been shown in court to discriminate against black people for housing, and who cannot run a charity in NY state because he defrauded children, and who lost a civil rape case….is a victim of overreaching law??

lol like that has ever worked in the past.

They just say Nope to all the facts.


By the logos on that background, looks like this event is sponsored by limewire

Same. I was super loyal to a company and did things for them out of kindness and pride. Went the extra mile, had a good time. Boss sells business and new owner comes in. Second guesses everything I do and can’t understand my explanations because she has zero experience. Everything runs as normal. It’s just a job now.

One day I’m called into the office and she tells me I’m let go and to hand over the company phone. I asked if I could get my professional contacts off of it. She said no. I had most of them on my home computer and knew the rest of their names. But what a shitty thing to do to someone who really felt like a contributor to the company for 3 years.

Anyway. Those contacts weren’t on my work computer. They were on that phone. Security had brought all my things to my car. I wasn’t even able to collect my own things. Totally disgraceful. Not sure what I would have even done to my desk?

So I get a personal phone call ten minutes into my drive home. It’s the new boss. She tells me she needs the password to the company phone.

I gave her the best apology of my life. “I’m sorry, I no longer work there.” (Click)

They would never do that because they’d have to pay you unemployment.

Hey mistakes happen. But if this isn’t a goddamned trend.

lol my friend hurt her ankle in college by jumping out of a truck bed. I drove her to the ER and she told them she thought it was broken. Same thing. The Dr said no it’s just sprained. She told him she’s played sports her whole life and never felt a sprain like this. He was really dismissive.

X-ray came back. And he comes in like the whole previous convo didn’t happen and started explaining that her ankle is actually broken and where we go from here.

lol same.

Every job I’ve quit, I’ve quit because of time off disagreements.

I remember the exact moment at each job I decided to quit. It’s not some slow process where you’re unsure exactly when to leave. It’s a latent inkling followed by a defined moment.

Like my last job. My sister was having surgery in 5 weeks and I informed the boss that I’d be gone for two days and had my shift covered. Boss’ wife said they’re “unable to approve my request.”

So I asked if I should return after those days I’d left. Suddenly they started scrambling to keep me at my job while trying to put their foot down and still deny those days off lol. 3 others left after me. My position was replaced by 2 people lol


Still, something about her just doesn't do it for me.

Beyond frustrating when this is the argument.

Like when comcast said that keeping track of all the fees and getting rid of the superfluous ones built into the system was too difficult.

Too difficult to find and remove, but very easy to see which ones were unpaid and they could fine you for.

Yes, I’ve also wondered about the ethics and conflicting legality of this.

Also, does generated images of CP help pedophiles satisfy an urge, or simply go on to stimulate it? I don’t know. Just seems like a discussion that everyone would have differing opinions on. And in the end, nobody wins.


It says elderly people, so they may not want the risk of injury that comes with a non-fixed bike

Remember when previously incarcerated people in Florida went to jail because they asked officials if they could vote, were told yes, and and then were told that they’d broken the law?

It’s interesting I was about to say the opposite. I’ve seen pics of her my entire life and just thought she looks caked in makeup. It doesn’t help that she avoided baths and brushing her teeth. I just feel like you could smell her.