"That depends on what the definition of is, is."

Where did you find the strain?

It was great when I saw it in the theater in ‘82 when I was in the second grade.

“Because we know a thing or none about ending wars!” Who the fuck do we think we are?

Couldn’t upvote this enough. Sick. Keep it up kids. The bassist is already a rockstar.

“Objectively, I just wish they’d keep things like Dick’s and Sphere to like, just 3 days because you know, at like 34, it’s just getting to be a bit much.”

All that, and no food grade bins? What kinda shop you runnin' over there?

I use to too, but then I was like, “What’s the Use?”

Then they wrote a song about it man. Talk about trippin’.

It’s called Crippin’. Keep it gangsta yo, keep it gansta.

This is the only answer.

Pittie shirt! Pittie shirt!

I was. It's how I came up with my list ;)

Beneath the Stars hey stranger Pillow Jets Light(the biggest ever at DC with the studio intro) Plasma

Belief system. Those are magnificently wretched words. I’ll be over here dancing ⭕️