The human cost to send that man to the moon though is absolutely staggering.

Not to mention, Russia wouldn’t have made it out of the early 1940s if not for the lend lease act. Or in other words, America.

Highly recommend the east side, there’s plenty of extremely walkable neighborhoods.

Downtown Spokane

They’re okay, definitely not Texas bbq though. I would go there to satisfy my catfish cravings, but that’s about it. Think they may have some good cobblers too, but it’s been a bit.

I’m also from the San Antonio area, and lived in Spokane for a while. Honestly, even in Seattle and Portland I can’t find real Texas brisket, the food of our people. No matter how much they’re advertised as Texan bbq.

This is also sad, because ,whoever her customers are, might be getting completely shafted or pushed into things they don’t completely want.

Honestly, nothing against your sister in particular. But I really hate the realty business, feel like they’re leaches just siphoning off people. And a lot of times, or at least in my case, do very very little.

Beyond hypocritical considering you’re the one to bring up titty fucking and stated your opinion on it. Not to mention you stated it as fact, inviting people with differing opinions to state their own.

You can believe in whatever you want, doesn’t mean it’s not a fairy tale.

They’re amazing. Get a cheap little handheld vacuum for anything it misses. Never tried the mop ones tho

I don’t understand why people who aren’t “cis” are allowed to choose how they’re referred to, and it should be respected by all, but a cis person has no say?

The room would look better like this, but I think having the bed where you have it, under the skylights would be pretty cool! Especially when it rains

Metro London has more than metro LA, and Paris metro is close, definitely not half the size. Edit: I guess that’s not true, depending on what source I look at. But regardless LA is no where close to twice the population of either.

As far as land use, or population? Cause London has more people than LA

That’s fair, I don’t think I’d want to do that commute. Had some friends who would commute to Salem, fuck all that.

It sucks sure, but I used to sit in traffic for 2 plus hours in San Antonio, a city with a similar population.

The traffic is pretty horrendous, at rush hour, and literally only then. Everything seems so close here though so even in the worst of it I’m still only in traffic for like 30 mins or so. Way better than where I’m from.

You’re insane, go back and read through what I’ve said.

Being agnostic isn’t a religion.

Religion-the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.

What are you talking about? I’m not fighting anything. But if you believe in fairy tales I’ll likely respect you less 🤷‍♂️ just like you would probably respect me less if I told you I believed Harry Potter is real.

Agnostic-a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

Idk wtf teachings you’re talking about.

The human suffering at the hands of religion, through history, is immeasurable. I have first hand experience and trauma resulting from it. Me “belittling “ people for those beliefs is a drop in the bucket in comparison, and arguably justified.

Though, to be clear. I don’t hate religious people. I have plenty of family and friends that I know and love who are religious. That doesn’t mean I respect the belief.

Because it’s not just as likely, they’re fables created by humans. Ie fairy tales. Me not knowing, isn’t used as a justification to murder or “convert” people all over the world, for basically all of human history.

Bruh, maybe look at who I responded to and what I said. Never addressed OP at all.