Oooo and a zippo. I love the smell of a zippo lighter

I have a friend named Feline, rhymes with Celine. I think it’s German, judging my her maiden name.

The only one of those I don’t like is Nausicaa. It’s too close to nausea for me.

Every time I read this I picture you trying to cough up a popcorn kernel stuck on the back of your tongue.

I went to school with Shelley Kelly. Her older sister Kelly was in my sister’s grade.

I don’t think so, looking at her other posts. It does sound like he’s a toxic mess.

On both sides. I don’t understand visitation where he has to ask every time. Why is it not just a regular thing?

OP, don’t lend him any money. And also don’t deny him his visitation. It sounds like there’s a lot of questionable behavior on both sides here.

Venise did do a cameo last week saying, when asked why she thought Maria voted for Kenzie, that Maria was bitter and if she couldn’t win, no one in her alliance could either. I’m guessing the at could be why Maria has been speaking out against Venise this week.

A daisy. “I’m pregnant, I’m pregnant not. I’m pregnant, I’m pregnant not…”

My favorite was 2.5mg lorazepam + nitrous oxide for an extraction & bone graft. It put me in that place where you’re hovering between being awake and asleep, where you might dream gentle dreams about the sounds around you.

Man, that was the best feeling ever.

ETA: one of my first jobs was at an ice cream restaurant and I deeply regret not sucking the nos out of the whipped cream cans like all my coworkers did. I was too scared.

Oh no. I get the needle, but not until I’m comfortably floating around on my nitrous high

After my husband’s hernia surgery he insisted on taking the surgical tape home. He would not let it go. He just kept saying “because it’s mine. I paid for it.”

The nurse told me “just take it.” It was the only way he’d shut up about it.

I pay for nitrous for fillings. I’m needle-phobic and had a longstanding dentist phobia until recently, when I found a dentist who lets me get nitrous oxide for minor procedures.

I think a string of small pearls would look nice

Pansies. The day after my dad died, a rogue purple pansy popped up in the crack between our walkway and front steps. The crazy part is that it was February in New England.

The pansies multiplied until it was the most vibrant little bunch of pansies I’ve ever seen.

They lived until the week of his celebration of life in July. He kept me company until all his family and friends were there by my side.

Whoa, my son did too. Tiny high school not remotely near Alaska.

My son graduated with Tim’s younger sister.