Well, maybe, but Russia has built many hospitals and schools in Africa.

They've also used Wagner Group mercenaries to install brutal dictators who allow Russia to pillage their land, but let's just ignore that I suppose.

Right, Jewish people have no indigenous homeland. Because denying the history of an ethno-religious group definitely isn't bigoted at all.

Seems like most people who complain about "oppressors" are just trying to find some group of "others" to blame all of their problems on.

Funny how Zionists only have a problem with the jihadists who keep trying to colonize the Jewish homeland while jihadists have a problem with all infidels literally everywhere on Earth, isn't it?

I guess your idea of "nuance" is "jihadists can invade Israel whenever they please and Israel is not allowed to do anything about it".

Because jihadism is an inherently colonialist ideology. Jihadists think that they have a right to colonize the indigenous homeland of the Jewish people, and the homeland of every other group of "infidels" too for that matter.

Hiding your military bases inside of schools and hospitals is not a "get out of being retaliated against when you invade another country" free card.

Trans people in bathrooms. Literally the worst problem that Ohio faces and I hope the next governor spends every single moment of his time working on it instead of irrelevant non-issues like housing costs and climate change.

I'm not sure how it's possible to "support Israel" while also thinking that Israel does not have the right to defend itself against violent jihadist aggression.

Yeah but why do people who openly support violent Palestinian resistance against Israel claim not to support Hamas?

Hamas is doing violent Palestinian resistance against Israel, so why wouldn't the people who support that cause support Hamas?

This is yet another example of how antisemitic left wing groups appropriate the language of social justice to justify antisemitism.

"No no, we don't hate Jews. We just hate genocidal Nazi fascist ethnostate white supremacist European colonizers."

wink wink

"They don't support Hamas. They just support violent Palestinian resistance against Israel. But they totally don't support Hamas though."

Ironic how Germany invited over a million Muslims into their country in the name of "tolerance" and then antisemitic hate crimes in Germany immediately started rising.

Literally the paradox of tolerance in action.

Anyone who thinks the United States is a "third world country" seriously needs to check their privilege. People from all over the world literally fucking die to try and live here.

It's insane how the "inclusive" left decided that Jews are "privileged white people" and therefore we are don't get to be included under the tent of intersectionality.

Simultaneously inferior non-white "others" who don't belong in the West and "privileged white oppressors" who don't belong in the Middle East.

Crazy thing is that Jews usually do assimilate, hence why so many Westerners are convinced that we're "privileged white people" now.

And oil.

And liberating a country that had been brutally invaded and occupied by an army of thugs.

But LOL oil, amirite?

It's literally a textbook example of losers blaming "the other" for their problems instead of actually making an effort to solve them.

It's so ironic that the left (correctly) identities this as an aspect of fascism, and yet they themselves have no problem blaming Jews/white people/men/"oppressors" in general for literally everything wrong in the world.

If that's what it takes to free Russia from Czarist rule, then yeah.

So Arab Muslims have an Allah-given right to dominate every single person and every single square inch of land in the Middle East and all those other ethnic and religious groups who are indigenous to the region just have to shut up and accept Arab Islamic rule?

Fuck off with that Arab supremacist, Islamic supremacist bullshit.