There’s a size difference between blonde, brunette, and redhead, but it’s in the neighborhood of 0.0094247781 inches.

There are a surprising number of stories out there of people shitting their pants and shaking it out the bottom of their pants leg. Apparently it’s a more popular technique that I would ever have imagined.

Airbone was my nickname in high school, because I got hard every time the wind blew.

Squirrels and birds get drunk from eating rotten fruit. We didn’t do that.

“I know my worth” is always cringe. It’s a sure sign that they seriously overestimate their value.

I’ve never thought of where I live as a “rusty area”, but that’s an apt description.

For me, the naked women aren’t the issue here. The real issue is that he promised to stop and didn’t. Maybe it’s an addiction that he can’t resist, but that’s something the two of you need to talk about.

We can’t identify anything at all without a picture or description.

Chainsaws have their place in the woods, but are generally not considered bushcraft.

When I see that, I turn to my wife and say “That man has a tiny, tiny penis.” It’s one of the few things I say that’s guaranteed to make her laugh every time.

That’s such a weird thing to ask. It’s like “are you going to act out the exact fantasy I’ve created after years of porn consumption?”

It depends on what your intended use is. The short handle can be convenient for carving, but for most chopping you’ll have better luck with a more standard haft length because you’ll be able to take more effective swings.

That’s correct. You can put shotgun barrels on the rifle frames, but not the other way around.

Because a lot of us hunt while we’re in the woods.

I told her I’d help her pay for it, because it was affecting her self confidence. She ultimately decided against it though, because she hates spending money on herself.

It was definitely a comeback, but it doesn’t strike me as particularly clever.

They’re still quality, yes. They have a very thin head design though. They’re great for chopping, but not good at splitting.

I’d stick with the plain steel. In those “special editions”, you’re paying extra for the black finish. Frankly I don’t like the finish, because it causes drag and affects the performance.

Dude, look up some of his videos on YouTube, he’s hilarious.

Same deal with Jason Statham. I enjoy watching his movies because I’m a big action movie fan, but he plays exactly the same guy in every single film.

There are stories about her demanding that restaurants clear out all the other customers so they wouldn’t stare at her because she’s so famous. And demanding to have only women as servers because she’s soooo beautiful that men wouldn’t be able to resist staring at her. Oh, and she’s notorious for the dine and dash too, she loves to eat and then bail on the bill. As if gracing you with her presence is payment enough.