It’s basically a very specific temporary insanity plea, and agree the justice system has many glaring holes

That all North American cryptids are actually released exotic pets. Bigfoot? Someone released their pet orangutan. Chupacabra? Some released their pet tiger.

Idk if this counts as a conspiracy theory but I’m firmly convinced at least a third of the commenters I interact with in Reddit are bots or people running a script for some purpose

Asshole Enthusiast [5]

I’m confused, you did fine at first as you say, so height was never a problem for you…

Is that mustard in your ribs? I’m making ribs too but using traditional bbq sauce

Surprisingly good. Heard lots of people don’t actually have sex on their wedding night because they’re too tired or drunk so I was pleasantly surprised

Physically frail… the dude still rides his bike frequently and is trim. More than a good portion of middle aged Americans can say

Flew by for me, can’t believe it’s July already. Also we crammed a lot of bad shit into 6 months

What if democrats resurrect JFK and FDR and splice them together to make the ultimate Democratic candidate…

Aside from being much too old what would be the issue with a black actor portraying the character? Doesn’t seem like race would play any factor whatsoever

Chris Pratt has none of the actual acting chops for a role that serious. Paul Rudd actually might do surprisingly well

Pretty funny how gay panic defense is essentially admitting to a hate crime, yet it works in several states still

Come to think of it there’s absolutely no harmful headlines I can recall that connect to drag queens. It’s all reading books to kids. Somehow it’s always the religious and far right figures doing the actual crimes

I keep being tempted to buy as a risky play, but I can’t get over how bad the short term prospects seem. Retail is getting squeezed, consumer discretionary is getting squeezed, pharmacy business and managed care is getting squeezed. What does wba have in terms of growth and recovery… with that said, I’m keeping it in the watch list for now

That would be such a terrible failure of the electorate. It’s the definition of hiring the candidate who interviewed well but is totally inequipped to do the job vs the one who didn’t interview well but knows how to do the job, has shown they know how to do the job and is currently doing the job successfully

You got a serious attitude my dude. You didn’t lead me to anything. Your comment can still only be read as stating that it’s wrong to reduce the Rwandan genocide to racism. Your comment was clearly talking about the Rwandan genocide, which was the topic of the thread. You seemed to want to distance yourself from that so are trying to say it actually was in response to another comment, which you did not reply directly to, and was a general statement about media bias… despite the comment being explicitly about how it’s myopic to reduce it (the Rwandan genocide) to race

For the record, this right here is you doing an absolutely terrible job expressing yourself and being totally blind to how you come across. Here the next comment up in the chain:

“Also why news media propaganda is so insanely dangerous. That's how all the groundwork gets laid.”

Broadening my search criteria and hammering out applications, taking validation in any interview or follow up I get and trying not to take the mass amounts of rejection and ghosting personally

Do you want me to copy paste the whole comment chain again? This is the comment you were replying to with the above:

“Or, more fundamentally, the old and debunked ideas of race and racism that still exist in the world.”