When I had my first crazy car loan many years ago I ended up doing a refi thru the capital one app and got 11% from 22. It was convenient being able to make my car payment in the same app I had my credit card.

I hope she turns her team around and then ends up with a good career that helps grow the sport. And then I hope she coaches and does well there, too. I mean, that’s how it went for men in professional basketball for the last few decades for the most part, so why not?

Yeah lump definitely burns hotter and faster. Charcoal in general gives off a lot of dirty smoke when it’s starting out, so I keep my chimney handy and add it as needed, once the smoke dies down.

I keep whatever’s on sale around. I sprang for some of the large lump once, I think it was Kamodo, and it had a lot of tiny tiny pieces and dust. I think that might be the nature of getting it shipped around the world though. I’m going to get some of the high-end briquettes next and try that out, just to reduce the amount of babysitting the fire. But between hickory splits, and chunks of pecan, mesquite, and cherry, the charcoal briqs seem to keep the lower-end more consistently than just straight wood and lump.

Every cook is practice. Just don’t go crazy on the cut, choice is fine. If you’re comfortable keeping the temp in the smoker relatively constant then you should be fine.

You missed the point. Opinions and facts are downvoted in favor of the hive mind bs.

R/nba is the same. God forbid you have a subjective opinion, let alone try to state an objective fact. You’ll be downvoted and talked-down-to by hundreds of know-it-alls who have never even played the game, let alone witnessed decades of rule-changes and play style evolution.

Using already hot water helps, too. If the temp in the box is over 225 they should be getting to at least 200 in 6 hours. It would have to have a serious heat leak/cold spot.

Maybe OP is stupid. But before you get your hopes up, it’s entirely possible we’re all stupid here.

I was at a club one time wearing a nice shirt and I wandered into a blacklit room where I was immediately made fun of because there were spots on my shirt. The girl I was with thought it was funny at first until she realized what the implication was.

It’s called a hematoma. Look for some to pool between your toes, too. It’s more pronounced the more fair-skinned a person is, and it is largely gravity influenced.

I have an OKJ highland, so basically the right 2/3 of your smoker, and when I’m burning splits the temp sometimes runs a little higher than I want, like up to 300ish instead of 225-250. I have no problem controlling temps in general, but I like burning logs and not being too worried about it. Because it’s less work lol. I bet you could just run a big ass fire in that box and use the vertical portion until the temps settle down and then shift it around and make it a warmer.

Yeah if it holds a decent temp it could be a warmer. It might hold a better temp when it’s full of hot food, too! I’m actually pretty intrigued, please post an update.

You better come back with the money shot.

Agreed. I’m “err on the side of caution” advocate when it comes to food, but all indications point to a relatively short time with no heat.

Yeah it’s a staple in my house. My wife loves to put it all over her bbq nachos or baked potatoes. I like it on loaded tots too.

Nah, as a Boeing engineer I can confidently say that a couple thumbtacks ought to do.

They likely don’t want the accuser’s lawyers to give his lawyers anything in discovery. IANAL… maybe someone who is could offer insight.

Right like that’s why he didn’t say “you owe me $1000 for every cushion that got soaked in champagne.” He just stated their value to add gravity to it. It doesn’t matter if they’re plastic lawn chairs. Someone has to clean that shit.

Awww he scraped his knee AND got his feefees hurt by the lawyer? Aw shucks this man needs some paid leave, or else he might get overly aggressive during his next pointless fucking encounter with a citizen.

Yeah I’m at work wearing one right now WHY IS NOBODY FOLLOWING MY COMMANDS?