
Rebuilds are meant to make you more gp/hr. Say your doing something like killing levi with a bowfa for 3.5m/hr. If you sold all your gear and bought a megarare, you could do efficient expert ToAs and be making 12m+/hr. It’s just faster than staying doing the slower money makers.

Who else saw that article about billionaire think tanks being consulted and deciding implanting all your security with explosive devices in the head was the right solution?

:flag-oh: Ohio

It doesn’t mean what it say as long as democrats are in power. The second republicans are in power that’s exactly what it means. By then it will be too late.

So he can sue the city and never have to be stressed again

Probably just a translation error. I just typed “kurono” into google translate because I was curious and it came out to “the black”

Haven’t played modded in a while but could be a secondary output slot? Like how some recipes have a byproduct. Kind of forgot what the enrichment factory does.

Every civ has their strengths and weaknesses. I’m more of a science player generally. I loved playing Babylon base game but Korea is just too strong in VP. I’d recommend trying a few out. Rome is always a good starter civ.

Most “react” streamers don’t actually react to the content and just use it to make money w/ no effort


It’s a joke without a punchline. You obviously described a main but you did it in the most convoluted way you lost the plot.


Earning a bond through gp has been harder and harder every year. Not only do the f2p money makers get botted into irrelevance, the cost keeps going up. It’s really not worth your time. I did it at one point but literally just buying a year’s worth of membership is the cheaper option when alls said and done.

Another loss for Russias space ambitions lol. They’re not even a contender in the 21st century space race.


Just so you know. I don’t think you can get more than 1000pts per game for each type. Not sure if that’s an issue you have yet or not.


That’s funny but also just means you have a lot of rewards stored for when you even them out.

I mean yeah but I’m never 100% efficient. As long as I’m not broke it’s a non issue

I just automate my workers and then later in the game I’ll spend a turn or two removing all the roads/railroads I don’t need. They don’t tend to replace them after that.

Ngl. I hate playing with too many city states because some civs are just broken in world congress if they ally too many. Had a game where I couldn’t get a single one of my resolutions passed because I get cock blocked every single time.

Nah super scout is always fun. Had a TSL game where my scout got a ton of exp just from exploring and surviving until the end.

lol just got perma banned from r/worldnews for calling someone insane for saying Palestine shouldn’t exist(they implied genocide).

It was a perma because it was a “personal attack”.