
I think there will be some small part that’ll rattle around in Joe’s head and resurface from time to time. Like with his son Beau and other core memories. But hey, if he becomes a complete vegetable by the end of the year, I’ll settle for his reaction in November to democracy giving him the boot for the “threat to Democracy ™️” he and the Left keep screeching about.


Sure. But this does not speak well to state-level policies and voting. You could theoretically have a majority of actual residents vote against approving some radical measure, but a couple buses show up with “stakeholders”, and it’s enough to tip the scales. Then the political clowns will celebrate DeMoCrAcY hAs SpOkEn!

I’m trying to figure out my next job, between the Seattle area or NH/ME, with the intention to settle down. This is not encouraging for the former…


It will be all the more delicious if, God willing, November rolls around and the projected electoral map becomes reality.

I want Joe to suffer the sting of defeat at the hands of “a convicted felon”. May he be haunted with the humiliation of losing a rematch to Bad Orange Man for the rest of his miserable days.


The difference between us and r/politics is we were calling this out for the last 4 years. Including when Joe was on the campaign trail and hunkered in his basement, or he was spouting gibberish (shoubadonashtid-care!). r/politics is late to the party because they have no choice but to acknowledge the obvious after June’s debate.


After the latest debacle where the radio station host revealed she got sent the “approved” questions for Joe’s interview ahead of time, no one should believe the media’s ruse of pretending what good little journalists they are.

They’re mad Joe crashed and tore down the curtain in the process at the debate. The media was exposed for the lying hacks they are, always saying Joe’s healthy and still with it.


Washington Post (or whoever had it during Trump’s term) took down the lie counter two months into Biden’s term. Because “he’s just so honest”. 😵‍💫

Putting aside Joe’s track record, I don’t think “honest” and “career politician” marry up that well.


So, King Theoden and Grima Wormtongue from Lord of the Rings? Only Joe in this case is a corrupt liar.


So brilliant that he joined the Naval Reserves as a public affairs officer. You have one directive as an O-1, doubly so as a reservist: don’t fuck up. He broke that rule by popping positive for cocaine a few months in during urinalysis.

Only reason he got discharged a year later and not any sooner was the brass didn’t know what to do with the son of the VP in 2014. I’ve sat on Admin Separation Boards, you can be gone inside of a month if the Navy’s motivated to dump you overboard.


Tara Reade, and every kid that’s been in a video showing Joe right next to them, would like to have a sit down with you…


Joe…your wife is not that kind of Doctor. Frankly, she’s not a Doctor at all.


Not necessarily directing this at you, but the cabinet excuse only works if they do their job and hem in the President’s decision making. It’s their responsibility to steer him away from poor choices. Trump’s did their job well. Biden’s greenlit every bad policy that was proposed. Voters are rewarding failure by their own logic!


Nah, it’s a cheap fake according to Karine Jean Identity Hire.


Teabaggers (noun): gamers offering nonverbal but enthusiastic communication in online play, usually as a greeting or encouragement upon their opponent's unfortunate demise.

My definition may or may not be completely accurate.


“the edited transcript is the accurate representation of the debate, not the live video of the debate.”

That's the same logic why the White House won't release the Hur tapes interviewing Biden. They might as well at this point. There's nothing that'd shock everyone after Thursday's debate. Except maybe the lengths this administration has gone to in order to protect Joe's frail image.


If WW3 happens, I guarantee anyone who thinks they own real estate in the victimhood matrix will cry oppression. They don't have principles of duty or service or responsibility. They will desperately try to weasel out of it should that day come.


You're not that special sweetheart. Calm down.

If anyone's at risk, it's Biden and his family. Fair's fair if they rationalized going after Trump in the manner done so far.


Reminds me of a Leftist coworker at one of my old jobs. Dude was "a flaming liberal" as my relief put it. Rampant TDS and swallowed every lie that Joe was the greatest thing ever and totally not botching everything. I left a copy of 1984 with him as I went out the door. I'd bet my boots he was beside himself during the debate.


Ah yes. The man who “respects the courts and their decisions”.

When he’s not slandering them or actively trying to sidestep their rulings on his unconstitutional order attempts over vax mandates and student loans.

I’m sick of the fact that the group who wanted to be left alone now won’t leave well enough alone. What was purported to stay in their bedrooms now regularly frolics around outside of it. The privacy they pleaded for now regularly invades everyone’s peace. Throughout the year! For something they didn’t wish to draw attention to, some have no reservations on shoving in your face and demanding you support it.

I might think it’s immoral, but I can respect the case for “we’re going to do our own thing in the corner away from everyone else”. It’s a totally different scenario if you take center stage and demand everyone needs to cheer you on, or you’re a terrible person if you don’t.


Thank you for the good catch! I forgot it was a specific DoD instruction. I’ve got an update to make.


Officially, we can’t. Pesky Hatch Act DoD instruction and all. Plus we’d see a breakdown in discipline across the branches if we could publicly endorse or denounce politicians.

As it stands though, the vast majority of enlisted and junior officers can’t stand Biden. I just wish the brass held the same convictions and stuck up for their troops, instead of rolling over most the time for asinine policies decreed by Biden or SECDEF.

Edit: I was mistaken, it’s actually DoD Directive 1344.10 instead of the Hatch Act. Shoutout for the forceful backup!


My best friend left the Army for the same reason. And it still burns me the exemption process was effectively a sham and no one got fired for it. Angry Cops did a wonderful video capturing the whole debacle if you haven’t seen it.

I hope to God that Joe gets tossed out on his ass. I’m on the cusp of hitting my end career goal but it comes with another 4 year obligation. Only way that works out is if Trump’s back in the seat. I’m not going to spend another 4 years administering dumbass policies and divisive training.


Most of the time, Democrats magically remember what a woman is when “reproductive liberty” and “women’s choice” is the cause de jour.

Joe is the shining exception to that after Thursday.


Let the dude enjoy his last days.

Oh no. Not at this point. You know as well as I do that a sentry’s responsible for his post. Joe took the job as President, and he’s let things go to hell in a hand basket on his watch. I also admittedly despise Joe for the pullout in Afghanistan and strong-arming our brothers and sisters in arms for a vaccine that didn’t work as advertised!

If he has any self-awareness left, Biden would swallow his pride and resign after his abysmal debate performance. But he’s too addled and arrogant. So it is my hope that he gets humiliated in November. Before spending the rest of his days in shame as he fulminates over how he got chosen to replace the Bad Orange Man, only to be bested by the guy as a convicted felon he tried to jail.


They fumbled the timing and dosage of the magical drug cocktail. It doesn’t work like it used to because Joe’s developed a resistance, and the threshold’s getting higher and higher.