'Everything else has got an upgrade'.

Except for the company that makes them... ;-)

I'll keep my Steamdeck thanks!

Yeah I got ya but others might not that's why I put how long she was PM for...

My hubby has never stopped playing any of the Fallout games.

But I picked it back up again ready for Fallout London, well we all know what happened there, but I'm not playing it because of the show.

Dracula from Castlevania.

Dahlia Gillespie from the first Silent Hill, she was loony tunes...

My husband in Fallout when he decides to fuck with the locals...

Because they've only just held the inquest into his death.

For some reason it's taken this long? Probably a backlog from COVID.

They have a exclusivity deal with Netflix for the foreseeable future so how long that lasts who knows?

Um but in another article I found this little crumb that folks might find some positivity in...

"The studio has promised ‘no change in [its] current development efforts’ – which does imply upcoming titles will still launch on multiple consoles, and won’t be Netflix-exclusive."

So we'll just have to wait and see I think.

Such a shame this is not going to be on Steam, so it's a nope from me.

But I'm still playing the first game and adore it. I've only been playing for a few weeks, already put in almost 200 hours. I didn't even know it existed until I saw a rec on here.

But yeah I'm so disappointed with their decision to go with Netflix.

That's me anything can be cosy but put a timer on it and I'm well and truly out.

As you mention Lemoncake I lasted 25 minutes before I uninstalled, and hid that game, it was part of a bundle so couldn't send it back. It gave me palpitations.

That's Liz Truss, she was being apointed British Prime Minister BT the Queen but lasted all of 50 days days before the conservatives realised she was absolutely useless and made her resign.

This was taken just a few short days before she died, she was still working. She was appointing Liz Truss as the new prime minister.

She certainly never shirked her duty. She even drove trucks, ambulances and worked as an auto mechanic during WW2 as part of the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service.

Ew no, almost everything is stored at some time in a warehouse and/or the factory where it's made. Trust me those places are crawling with all kinds of nasties.

My dad was a truck driver and I spent half my childhood in his cab reading maps for him and going round these places, never trust that anything is clean.

Thank you. I'm so glad I saw this as it was on my wish list, it came highly recommended so it's a shame.

But I really don't wish to be put through an emotional blender when I'm looking for cozy.

They both get the login details and learn to share the time?

Oh you just made my day, I adored SH. This has gone straight on my wishlist.

Hospital room was my first thought too, a few personal touches will make all the difference.

Um they took the beermat with them when they left?

Average male height in the US is 5'9 he's 5'8 so I'd hardly call him short...