YTA. Rather than be there and celebrate a happy day for your brother, you decided to pick it apart and be judgmental. Lots of people do commitment ceremonies. Who are you to decide if it is right or wrong. If you love someone you show up. If you think you and your brother are good you are sadly mistaken. Ever hear the expression you can't unring a bell. You can't undo what you did. Good luck being so sure everything you think is right.

FB is down where I am and I checked with a friend, we both can't log on. Instagram isn't loading either. Zuck is not having a good day.

NTA My husband and I owned a construction business and I did everything the guys did on the job site. Do the job get the pay, that is how life works. Both your daughter and wife aren't doing women any favor by thinking they can demand more money but not do the work. Let them both act like children. The next time they decide to eat without you I would grab my son and go have a fabulous meal and night without them. Turn about is fair play.

Portein drinks, I like Premier Protein Cafe Latte, 30g in one shake. Make hot tea twice a day and add Vital Collagen Peptides. Two scoops per cup that is 20g total of protein in 2 hot teas. I also have Frog Fuel, 15g of protein in a packet, I can do straight or put in water. Protein2O is a clear protein drink 20g of protein. I don't love the taste of Frog Fuel but I can get it down and it helps get my protein in if I just drink the packet straight. All these items are on Amazon. I buy Premier Protein from Sam's Club, Walmart has the Protein2O. Frog Fuel is also great for traveling as it packs easier than powdered tubs for shakes. I love cottage cheese so it is a staple. I don't like to eat a lot of meat so I had to get creative with getting my protein. I try to get 100g+

YTA You've clearly abused your SIL. Why do you think you get to "expect" another adult to solve a problem they didn't create? You had these kids, you need to pay someone to do routine childcare. No family wants to be used like this and you seem very entitled.

It was a game changer and has improved my gut health. Until Wegovy I think I wasn't forced to get serious about taking a pre/probiotic everyday. It goes in my pill dish every evening now and I take in the a.m. on an empty stomach.

NTA someone as brazen as Beth needs someone to go nuclear so they stop getting away with passive aggressive put downs. Most people don't push back on people like this because as you saw they immediately go to "Wow why so angry, are you triggered, I feel sorry for your wife, I was just trying to offer advice." They play that gaslighting card so well. Ask your family who is so ruffled what would have happened if you offered your niece some advice on dropping a few pounds? Bet that wouldn't have went over well. Just because Max is a boy doesn't mean Beth can pull this shit. But trust and believe she loves she got you to react and can now have the narrative of "see how he is." Next time, if there is a next time, just get up, gather your family and leave without a word. Discuss it before hand that if you say we are going no one balks and everyone follows. Make her own her actions and don't allow her to shift the narrative from her shitty comment to your reaction. You don't owe her an apology. You had your son's back. The rest of the family can go kick rocks.

I saw a tik tokker that said to take a pre/probiotic every day and use digestive enzymes with your meals. HUGE game changer. First couple months I slept propped up or I was miserable. Even woke up choking on a bit of vomit, not a fun experience. Now no acid reflux or digestive issues. I can eat anything I want. I track my macros and try to get as much protein as possible. I take liquid magnesium and eat prunes daily to combat constipation. Those are the tricks I learned that helped. Good Luck!

Stand firm. Even an apology won't change this woman. Your friend is right, this is who she is. She will go right back to bad mouthing because that is who she is. I have a saying "Do not get in the way of other peoples Karma." This woman is reaping what she has sown. She is not homeless, she just isn't in control, bummer. And I would tell BF after that string of insults to move out. He and mommy can get a place together and enjoy each other's company. Life is too short to be abused by so called loved ones.

YTA Stay out of his relationship with his kids. He addresses issues not you and I have no idea how you think stepping into this situation will end well. The children are free to form their own relationships with whomever they wish. As you said, if she is old enough to drive but you also don't get she is old enough to make up her own mind. Household rules apply outside of the home? Really, not when they live in 2 different homes and you are making nonsensical rules to soothe your own ego. You are playing a role you have no right to play. You are the girlfriend nothing more. If you become the stepparent even then you need to stay out of the relationships with the children. Step off before you alienate the father from his daughters.

NTA. Nobody wants to be someone's emotional dumpster. As a woman I find the take take of "she was just venting you just need to be supportive" annoying. The first time you talk about it is venting, even the 2nd or 3rd time. After that you have only 3 choices with any problem, accept it, fix it or walk away from it. I expect an emotionally and intellectually mature person to exercise one of those options eventually. As a woman I don't tolerate a friend using my free time to unload the same problem over and over. This guy was wise to nip it in the bud and throw some ice cold logic on this woman.

It rents for 35K, but hasn't been rented consistently.

You're a bit of an AH. I think I would have worded it differently. I would have told Kat's mom "The girls don't appear to be as close and that maybe with time and distance they will find their way back to each other but I don't want to force the situation. As far as I know nothing bad has happened and it is about them both finding their independence and growing at this stage." I would not have changed the invitations either. Kat's mom calling is out of line. So she put herself in a bad position by pestering you for a reason. Sort of don't ask if you don't want to know the answer. I think you could have been a little less honest and softened the edges so no on felt really offended.


"I ended up yelling to her that she was boring, not attractive and I didn't want to be with her."

You said those things and wonder why she left? Nope, she bided her time and she dumped someone who said awful things. Her going quiet and complacent meant she no longer cared about you. You weren't doing better, she stopped GAF. You can't unring a bell. There is no way I would take you back because you would have literally killed any love I had.

You are correct, grief is hard. I lost my husband and I was pretty angry with some crazy emotions. I told my friend and she said "yeah but you have a right." I said "No I have the right to grieve, not to be an asshole." That is why I didn't attend a wedding around our anniversary. I didn't want to cry and make someone else's special day about me. The SIL did not have one bad moment, it is happening over and over. What next, the kid's birthday parties have to be toned down for her? She needs to be an adult, if she feels overwhelmed it is her job to remove herself from the situation. It is not everyone else's job to make this okay for her.

I think her ex has no desire to make Sonja's life better. I remember there was an episode she got all dolled up because she was going to see him at court. She only saw him walking away down the hall. He won't speak or look at her. She wanted the money but she didn't want to play dutiful wife. If she would have just realized her role, she would still be married. But she wouldn't cut her vacation short to come home when Mr Morgan injured himself. I bet her life would make a good series, like Capote Swans that is coming out. I read the books on The Swans, same story of ultra rich people and the sad lives they lead and the roles they have to play to keep that life.

Exactly the ability to walk next door is a huge benefit. They also have the money to buy multiple spaces. If you look at the pictures, the garage is only attached at the 1st level, which is just the garage entrance. Garage is brick and TH is block, both of which are very good at noise reduction. I doubt you would hear anything from the garage as it is just the cars entering then turning a sharp left to go up into the structure. I ate at a restaurant with an attached parking garage. The table was at the wall by the parking entrance, heard nothing. Love how quiet an old block hotel is compared to new construction. And having built an all brick home I know first hand the benefits.


That townhouse is a money pit. The taxes, maintenance and insurance alone could be what most people make in a year. Sonja is just like Lu, they lived large when married. They got divorced with a nice settlement but no where near what they had before and squandered it away. Now they aren't on housewives every year and it doesn't sound like they planned for when the paychecks would stop. It's sad really. If they had banked a large portion and invested wisely, they could be very comfortable living off the proceeds.

Edit: Says the property taxes are $67,560 a year.


Agree and there is nothing wrong with going out without your spouse if you chose to see friends. It is the point she was not invited. That is not how a couple rolls. I don't care how good of a friend you are, if you tell me my husband isn't invited, I am going to have a different response. It is like having a childfree wedding. You certainly can have that wedding, some people will opt not to attend if their children can't come. His friend made the choice to have a small celebration with limited seating, she has to be prepared that some will not attend with the parameters she has set.


She's your wife, you need to have her back. I would not tell her of the event and tell your friend you will not be attending without your wife. Marriage is a different level than friendship and you put your spouse's feelings above everyone else's. With my husband 33 years, neither of us would have went to an event like this if the other wasn't invited. If there was no bad intentions with not inviting your wife then why tell her. Because I am sure it will change how she feels about your friend.

Binge watched the entire season before E6 and Kristen does look like a try hard. She was narrating scenes bringing up Sonja townhouse, Lu's Pirate, Dorinda on pause and it was more obvious watching back to back. It's like she is the party "host" with a notepad full of questions. Trying hard to keep the spotlight on other's drama so she didn't have to talk about Ashley Madison. Then got defensive and couldn't understand why they brought it up. Next she would restart a fight with "So are we good" and when it got too hot she would say "Can somebody help me here," Yeah no, you better be able to back up what you say. I don't think she is a great HW. Just as bland as before but trying harder to find the grove, where the others don't have to.