Hi all, I just wanted to share an issue and resolution I had last week. I searched the Internet high and low with no answer, so hopefully this info can help someone save a call to tech support.

I was getting activities full delete activities message. I deleted everything, reset the watch, the app, everything. Turns out it was a corrupted file. Here is what fixed the issue.

NOTE: This deletes all Settings, Profiles, Courses, Workouts, Segments, Personal Records, Totals, History, Connect IQ content.

It is recommended to read the steps below in full before performing them.

Ensure the watch is powered off. You may need to hold CTRL for up to 30 seconds to turn the watch off. Press and hold GPS, and SET. Press LIGHT to power the watch on while holding these two buttons. After the first beep release GPS. After the second beep release SET. The watch will now apply the reset and once finished will prompt user to select language and complete setup. Allow the watch up to 20 minutes to acquire satellite data with a clear view of the sky.

With your device connected to the computer, click Window's start button Click (My) Computer (ThisPC on Windows 10) Double-click Garmin device drive Double-click Garmin folder Delete the Folders listed: Activity NewFiles Monitor Settings RemoteSW Right-click on Garmin device drive Select Eject Unplug device from computer