I mean bikes should be banned on most roads without shoulders. It’s just unsafe for everyone involved.

Per Wikipedia social ownership is: type of property where an asset is recognized to be in the possession of society as a whole rather than individual members or groups within it.[1] Social ownership of the means of production is the defining characteristic of a socialist economy,[2] and can take the form of community ownership,[3] state ownership, common ownership, employee ownership, cooperative ownership, and citizen ownership of equity.[4]

State ownership still falls under socialism. Yes China has been moving towards a more capitalist model of economy. But honestly that’s more propaganda because those companies are still controlled and indirectly owned by the Chinese government. So it’s just a state owned economy with a mask on.

Cause it’s not worth it for the cop to face possible backlash for it, seeing as that law could technically violate the first amendment. In the end it’s better for them to leave it alone.

More like state socialism. Most industry in China is government owned only some parts of economy is privately owned and I’m using the term “privately” loosely as the Chinese government owns that business whether it admits it or not. That why we see a large push for tariffs and bans on Chinese tech in America, because those Chinese tech companies report right back to the CCP.

Actually all the systems on their own are dog shit. That’s why we don’t live under capitalism, we have a mixed economy that is mainly capitalistic but, the government owns certain parts of the economy and using its legislative power to control other sectors.

You realize the US government already puts price controls on crops and produce right?

China calls itself “socialist” and most economic websites call it “mixed” but from an outside perspective we can consider it an authoritarian communist country because even though there are private companies they only exist because they constantly comply with the government and if they were to ever step out of line the company would suddenly get a new board of directors.

Yes because they didn’t need that high of through out for this fire. But imagine needing the through put and your tanks go dry because they didn’t have an expedient water hook up. If fire suppression is stopped it can come back at lot stronger then it was before suppression.

I mean check out my other comments if they were using metric units I converted. But unless they obviously used metric I used imperial…

You second statement is false. Cars can easily take out a hydrant.

I mean if you got the change to ram a fire truck into someone’s Mazda 3 would you not take it?

They are running the pumps at full blast. If they were the truck would have been empty before it was connected to the main.

And the pumps on the truck run at around 3800-7500 liters/minute.

The truck has anywhere from 500-1000 gallons. The pumps run at anywhere from 1000-2000 gallons/minute. So they will probably run out in under a minute. This video is sped up and definitely took longer than a minute.

The US has the same if not more stringent fire code regulations. These type of fire codes should be standard around the world.

Yes but even then people still don’t really get the message.

My mother was an Adderall addict. One day during a 3 day bender she showed me a satellite photo of the woods behind our house on google maps and she asked me if I saw anything weird. All I saw were trees. I asked her what she was seeing and she pointed to two trees and she said she saw two people having sex. She believed it was my step dad and he was having an affair. Moral of the story is addicts see some crazy shit.

I mean violent crime has been trending down for years, up until covid when we saw a spike in anti social behavior.

I have jars that I’ve taken tools to in order to try to get them to open. If they have been sitting for a long time they can absolutely be extremely hard to open.

I mean like it or not they are Supreme Court justices they aren’t unintelligent by any means, they definitely have considered the consequences of it.

I’m a brute I don’t do those clever techniques when brute force works

I don’t know why you’re being downvoted it’s literally physics.

Anytime you put a jar in the fridge it forms a vacuum because the gasses inside the jar cool down and the pressure inside the jar drops, thus making it hard to open. Temp fluctuations have nothing to do with it.

You have arthritis. A medical condition that not everybody has. That is why you pay attention, most people don’t really focus on how tight the jar lid is.