i literally only downloaded reddit to see whether i could find answers to this.

i remember a game (probably early 2010s) where you would play as a god and control your people?not like control each individually but the view of your world would be side on and i think you could turn the world around to see it all and stuff. you could build buildings (not custom as far as i remember- just pre made houses and farms and stuff) and you could also do evil stuff like lightning and things like that? i think you could do good stuff as well. i think that you could “birth” people depending on the amount of houses. the people would praise you and show their emotions and stuff. it was a pretty bright game colours wise.

i actually cannot remember any more of this because i haven’t seen it in such a long time and i completely forgot it existed, but i have such vivid memories of playing it yet i cannot find it anywhere. i’ve seen other posts saying that it sounds similar to Black and White 1/2 but it’s a completely different art and graphic style. this has been tormenting me for the longest time and if anyone can think of any ideas that would be so appreciated.