Qimir and Imri share a lot of characters..

What was the reason for firing him? How could you have fired this beautiful man.

You know if I saw one of those guys in real life I would punch them in the face.

San Diego:San_Diego_Padres_logo_19:

I was in left field tonight and I got the kid in front of me to yell “We want a winker not an underwear stinker!” At Winker.

It wasn’t a tackle though. He was clearing the ball. And the other player was in a dead sprint tackle attempt.

Cope? I had no dog in the fight. I just think the rule is stupid.

That’s not even a tackle… the other player is attempting a tackle, his sideways momentum is what caused his studs to go sideways and up.

He was clearly to the ball first.

More to the side than up, his momentum and the other player sprinting into him at the same time is what caused the awkward follow through. I don’t think it should be a red.

How is that a red card? When did soccer turn into this pansy ass sport. His foot is following through the ball, it’s not an intentionally reckless challenge…

Thanks for your response and I agree.

If Nash equilibrium in GTO assumes others play GTO. Then we clearly know that is false. It may be game theory optimal in pure theory but not optimal considering all factors that impact game theory (beyond the limitations of Nash equilibrium).

From what I understand Nash equilibrium ( in general not necessarily in GTO ) can sometimes lead to a cascade failure of conclusions due to false assumptions.

There is probably a way to mathematically improve upon what Nash equilibrium does for GTO in poker but I would have no idea how to model that.

So it’s a Nash solution within a Nash solution? I think mostly just have issue with the semantics of it all.

San Diego:San_Diego_Padres_logo_19:
  1. Rockies
  2. Padres
  3. DBacks
  4. Dodgers /Giants

The announcers just mentioned Boegarts, I almost forgot he was on the team.

Jackson Merrill has as many home runs (7) in his last 10 games, as Manny Machado does this entire year (7).

I was at a bar in pacific beach full of Warriors fans for game 7. There was one other Cavs fan there. That place was SO quiet after the Irving three.

:sdp3: San Diego Padres

I was there. The ball got out of the stadium in like 2 seconds.