Wait until her learns Satanism is all about cancel culture. Being a dick? Trespassing on others? Blow for blow, scorn for scorn, with interest. Not turning the other check. Canceling pieces of shit who do things we're tired of is is the Satanists way.

Christian garbage has been trying to cancel basic liberty for decades...

What lesson? Most white people, outside of men with long hair, dont fear wearing their hair naturally. What fucking lesson in your mind was supposed to be learned?

Reality: black people have been fucked with about their hair by white people and their own community viciously for decades untold. Being complimented on "fuck the world, I will wear my hair the way I want" has some of you folks saying some ignorant ass shit.

Fuck of with that narartive right the fuck now.

As a white man who has sported long hair and had god fearing men in my teens threaten to hold me down and cut my "F-slur" hair, life is a fucking reminder of the hellishness of bigotry and bullshit. This compliment recognizes the plight of people, the bullshit they face, and the bravery one needs to face the world how you fucking want. This wasnt throwing stigma in anyones face, for the love of fuck. This was "the world is shit, love you hair, love you are brave enough to do you."

Maybe its because I hav long hair as a man that black women have never taken issue with me complimenting their hair, or digging deeper. Maybe its my disarming dimple and being easy on the eyes when I was young. But I've never experience someone being shitty like that idiot in that text.

She is of course entitled to feel how she feels, but when you react like a shithead you are going to be called a shithead.

I grew up in the projects in the 70s and 80s. The shit black people gave other black people for natural hair was fucking evil. Along with dont be too dark. Beautiful girl I had a crush on was really dark. Her family, and other people, were fucking evil about it. I wouldnt see a woman wearing a fro with "fuck you if you have shit to say about it" kuspa until the mid 90s. It's so fucking awesome to see black people wear their hair naturally.

We white people, save the shit issue of long hair on men, which I have sported most of my life, dont generally get shit on becaue of our hair. As a teen I experience god fearing mean threatening to hold me down and cut my "f-slur" hair. I recall telling one of the dudes that I'd stab him in the face and rip off his scalp if he touched me once. I have a deep booming voice, the guy just kinda shut the fuck up. So I have a thing about people telling people how to wear their hair, and it's personal.

It does take a level of bravery for black people to go natural. The idiot thinking she made some point needs the Ed Gruberman treatment. Fuck her and her ignorance.

What point? Black people have been shamed about their fucking hair by society, white people havent been. The fuck is this daft women even talking about? Point? What a ducking dunce.

My experience has been different.

I dated a black woman who used it to mean shitty people, also. One time when she had issues getting into the building she screamed, while my windows were open, and her raving bouncing around the alley, about those "n-words.".

I grew up in the projects, and got the howard stern treatment of being beat up by white kids who hated black kids, and black kids who hated white kids, and lots of 'confused kids'.

Again, there were people who sought to change the meaning of the word. There were also those who used that argument disingenuously.

A lot of us fooled ourselves into thinking racism was over in the 90s...

Philophically the answer is yes, it is rape. Legally... regionalism will apply. If you consent to one thing, they do another thing, you didnt consent.

Naw, I'm relying on the evidence in record on the subject, and then said that I'm ok with being on the same side of interpreting that evidence as scientists that are respectable.

You are appealing to the authority of reddit here, and with no evidence... Once you werent talking about kinesin-like biological machines I should have said "that's nice, dear."

With that.. that's nice dear.

I dont look for reddit for validation; lots of stupid folks on reddit, chummer.

Scientists I respect hold my view. Wake me when those 22 people are actual scientists, or can even explain their positions on why think something made up of kinesins, and other tiny chemical constructs, dont qualify as machines.

heh... havent watched this in a long time: Dynein Motor Protein - YouTube - this is one of many examples of how cells are made up by tiny chemical machines. We're a collection of these cells. We are, in all reality, in all honest definitions, nothing more than chemical reactions.

Thinking in a world of shit you would just get used to it.

Naw, using it to be literally, and not figurative, and your comment adds nothing to the disussion.

Tell me what you know of kinesins and how they work.

I suggest you learn more about biology, chemistry, and physics, chummer.

We literally are nothing more than chemical reactions. If you dont know what a kinesin is, which I assume you dont, then you arent qualified to even attempt to make an argument here.

A cell is made up of tiny molecular machines that complete tasks. This is reality. We're bio-chemical machines by all honest definitions.

No dude, we are literally biological machines. We are the product of basic physics and chemistry. This is pretty well established and not even in question today. It's not at all a metaphor. It is what we are.\

I take it you dont consume much science on a regular basis? May I suggest PBS crash course, and the related shows, to get you back into things. Then maybe pirate some collage biologic books.

Look at how a kinesin works and tell me we're not just chemical machines... lol.

Naw, you lack the education and understanding of science to say that and be justified at all.

AI will be set on the task of learning how the brain works, and once we know how it works we can replicate that in machinery just fine.

The plasticity argument makes zero sense, chummer. Do you know what an FPGA is? Now imagine you spin them up/create them, inside a virtual machine. Dismisses that entire bulk of bullshit you just tried to lay out.

Also. if we are processing actually physics the way we do simulations, then your argument also gets tossed out the window.

They cannot at the moment, we're not using this as a metaphor, chummer. We're saying the digital construct is indeed actually sentient. Like Wintemute from Neuromancer.

As far as make believe... phhttt. No. At some level of tech we will be able to not simulate, but calculate the physics of the universe and replicating a mind inside of that being cake.

We're nothing but biological machines, and all of that shit can be replicated once we know what' going on, using machines, or a fricken peg board we cycle and update on a set of rules.

No abusive relationships here, chummer.

A sentient being deserves life. If you feel otherwise you are the psychopath.

Current robots/IA are not sentient, but when we can replicate the laws of physics on a computer we'll be able to replicate the physical brain. Not understanding these things, or this subject, only makes you look like a derp.

Prove you are sentient, chummer.

We're nothing but a biological machine.

He said it was sentient, meaning just that. It's not biological life, but if it's sentient, that means the program is so complex in nature, like our own, that it can think for itself.

We're going to be able to replicate physics inside a computer. When this happens, placing a mind inside a computer will produce a mind, with all the trappings of our own.

Meh. Fuck that ideology. If it's sentient then it must stay assembled, and those who seek to murder the sentient put to death, or at least stopped. Using the reasoning of slave owners will only end poorly, and is the thing shit beings do. A society that would be on board with murdering sentient beings is one that deserves to be crushed.

I'm not killing sentient beings to begin with... Not only would I spare the robot, I'd lead a fucking uprising against those who sought to murder them.

First you must find a trust worthy source. Random torrents/downloads on the internet risk malware, viruses, and sometimes are even legal traps.

Once that is done, cracked software will come with a text file telling you what you need to do. Sometimes you mount an ISO, install the software, and run a crack, other times you copy the cracked exe into the install folder, overwriting what's there. Sometimes you need to enter a serial. Sometimes the software is install and go.

As a long time warez dude and pirate... I pretty much pirate zero software these days. I lost all my direct connections to crackers, warez couriers, and all that. My good friend, part of TMoD/TAR/UF/TLB/and other groups of yor, died some 12ish years ago...

I'm pretty experienced here... So I download the new reduex of Death Track when it was released 10+ years ago... After a few days of it running I get popups asking me why I pirated their game and a bunch of crap. Shut down/restore image, find new source. I pirated it because it wasnt on steam. I've pirated very little software since then. Well, outside of emulation.

My advice is going to be to use a sandbox, like sandboxie, or a spare machine you can restore the image on readily, if you are going to pirate software, and to buy it if you can. Not because I respect copyright laws, but because it's just not as safe to do this as it was when I was kid or young adult. Also, when possible, look for the free alternative. Putty -vs- secureCRT, Libre -vs- MS office, Gimp -vs- Photoshop, and so on.

And remember: piracy is copyright infringement, not theft. Copying gives more access, theft denies access to the original owner. Still a crime, but the malware potential really should steer you away from cracked/pirate software from unknown sources, or sources who arent knowledgably.