I agree with the WIC RD comments. Also, sometimes you just have to celebrate “not making things worse.” If the division of responsibility is practiced, you are at least leaving a door open for improved variety in the future.

Whoa what? Even at the height of the pandemic?

I worried about it too, and 3 counselors have assured me I don’t. But o really thought I did. The last counselor convinced me when she said, “if you were, you likely would not be self aware enough to worry that you might have it.”

I think it depends on how kind he is to you in general. If my ex, the jerk, said this, I would know it was a clueless slam and a jerk comment. If my kind, current husband said it, I’d be hurt but I would know it was an unfortunate/poor joke and I’d forgive it. Do I would look at the statement in the overall context.

Wait- this is new. I’m an (old) dietitian in community nutrition and not familiar with these forms of Ensure or these protocols. However, I’ve long been concerned about how we “starve” patients and pregnant women before procedures. So now there are supplements to deal with this issue? Do tell!

Starving the patient certainly can cause hypoglycemia…

Ummm….I’ve literally dropped to the ground to hide behind the kitchen counter when the doorbell rings. Yeah, super weird.

That sounds like an emotionally trying situation. That would deeply upset me. Mega boundary violation.

I’m just starting to think about unmasking. For me, it’s more a matter of exerting less control of my posture, body language, expressions. Im also practicing warning others that I’m clumsy when we do physical work together.

Unmasking autism bookDiagnosis Journey

Oh my this book is equally great and difficult to listen to. I want to cry for what I’ve gone through and hidden. I hope I can find that real self that’s inside somewhere.

Does dx require flashbacks?

I was told I have cptsd but now I'm hearing the diagnosis requires flashbacks?? I get triggered but do not have flashbacks. Now wondering if I don't have cptsd and if emdr wing help me. My mom was borderline and I get very triggered by perceived rejection or by being watched while I do things— to the point that it is debilitating snd can put me in a spiral for a couple of days.


Oh my! I'm shocked to hear this. bd I felt my skills had declined because I've been out of clinical for 25 years, but….geez.

I was 60000 at health dept after 25 years with Masters; went to university for 70,000.

Throughout my life, I get advice and/or hear people give others advice right in front of me. It used to confuse me. I’ve finally decided that they simply don’t know what an RD does/knows. And that’s a very depressing realization.

This is giving me flashbacks to the time that my trusted OBGYN recommended I go online to GOOP.

Ouch— I can imagine how difficult it was to receive that type of advice from someone you need to trust!

I have CPTSD and over the years I’ve discovered major differences in therapists. Not everyone is a fit.

Can you consider going to someone else? There are some great ones out there, and the options are greater than ever with online options.

OCD? Turtles all the way down…Diagnosis Journey

Anyone read John Green’s “Turtles all the way down?” And might it have made you question your autism suspicions ? This YA book is making me think I’m attributing OCD symptoms to autism. There is so much overlap. There is so much confusing overlap. At this point I potentially have (despite excelling in life, haha, not):

-probable Cptsd per a counselor,

-ADHD- one psych said yes, one evaluator said no

OCD-one evaluator said no, and I laughed at this diagnosis because I am so bad with details

-Social anxiety dx, to the level that I thought I had APD

-Generalized anxiety

-suspected Auditory processing disorder

  • assumed/ obvious dyscalculia

-so many autism symptoms and very high “masking” score.

Omg. This is also an autism thing??? Is everything that’s wrong with me an autism thing????!!

AccommodationsSeeking Advice

Is it possible to get any accommodations without an official autism diagnosis?

Yeah— I thought I must have avoidant personality disorder because of the same problem. I’m only ok when I have a solid role to follow. I never fully relax unless completely alone with no chance of anyone seeing or hearing me. I didn’t know this was a symptom. Holy crap.

I am new to all this and I am curious what you all are meaning when you say “being perceived”. it sounds like you are describing a problem that I struggle with tremendously. Is this an autism trait???

If you don’t mind me asking, what do you mean by “being perceived?” if I am interpreting it correctly, I’m thinking I have this problem too.

Oh my gosh, you are me. Everything but the color fascination. Everything else is me 100 percent.

That makes no sense!!!! Did she mistake you for someone she was having an argument with maybe? This is crazy