All of the signs, written warnings, and security guards saying that weed isn’t allowed. Check their website. They were searching cars going to the campground harder than I’ve ever seen before, specifically asking if people brought weed and then either taking it when they answer honestly or taking it if they find it. Then they asked about pretty much every other drug you could think of by name as well and threatened that the police would be alerted if anything illegal was found.

I get the illegal drug stuff, they kinda have to say that, especially after last year. But it’s the fucking Gorge. Google ‘the gorge drug bust’. They aren’t bluffing. There are narcs all over and their LEO social media pages are as draconian as they come. I’m fairly sure a cop asked me if I had any acid to sell him on my way in.

Open carrying is stupid as fuck, even among the gun crowd. Why advertise that you’re armed? It’s inherently more dangerous than concealed carrying, and only serves as attempted intimidation.

Because of that, I assume anyone open carrying is a fucking moron who probably doesn’t know the first thing about gun safety, and also had incredibly poor judgement. Not exactly the kind of person you should feel safe around.

Tbh, Steph has received a lot of that same ‘criticism’. It’s mostly been outshined by his otherworldly numbers. As good as Clark is, she is still nowhere near the statistical standout that Steph was and has been.

Yeah, I’m cool with some hard nosed defense, especially because Clark is smaller. That’s just smart. But you can’t openly shoulder check her in the wide open back court. At least try to disguise it.

Not quite the same, because there are always at least a few standouts in every class. None of them would utterly dominate the others the same way a very good nba player would in worse leagues. Lebron probably wouldn’t have won 4 NCAA championships in a row if he had gone to school, even though he was that far ahead of every other player.

Controlled with a dualshock

Tennis used to be ‘civilized’. All it takes is the people in charge to care more about money, alcohol sales, and tv ratings than the athletes.

I still don’t get your point. She comes across in interviews exactly like I’d expect a young homeschooled pop star from California to sound.

She also doesn’t smoke or skateboard, what do you even mean?

Not only is it utterly wrong and disrespectful, but it makes their jobs harder too.

Monkey in Space

It does, you fucking moron.

Put yourself in the shoes of the dumb fuck cultists. They believe all of the charges and supporting evidence are fabricated.

Monkey in Space

There’s a reason you’re downvoted. He used the word properly. His opinion is just dumb as fuck.

Monkey in Space

“I’m super not gay because gay people suck and I don’t suck! I rule! I can’t be gay!”

I do mind. You can look up all of the states that ban hemp derivatives with any amount of thc. I don’t want your bunk ass fake weed website to ship illegal goods to my home address, I just go to a legal state and drive home.

Regardless of all of the ‘loopholes’ that you think protect you, cops absolutely will still arrest you and severely fuck your life up.

Edit: I can give you a website to ship mushrooms and Molly to your house, does that make it legal?