"Wie zonder zonden is werpe de eerste steen".

-Johannes 8,1-11

Should I make a video too when I visit the music festivals this summer without being kidnapped?

En die linksboven toont hoeveel "genders" er in haar geloof bestaan.

It even looked like the gun was already cocked.

Ja ik had enkele voorbeelden gevonden van affichering door lokale besturen maar inderdaad geen zaken rond campagne affiches.

Bedankt voor de info.

Zaffranax. Maak van elke Ƨava, een echte Ƨava.

Dt-fouten zijn blijkbaar een minder groot probleem...

Indien je echt graag iets wil studeren moet je dat zeker doen! Maar sommige bachelors gaan je niet perse veel verder helpen in je loopbaan op lange termijn. Andere zijn dan weer noodzakelijk om bepaalde functies zelfs te mogen doen zoals bijvoorbeeld onderwijs.

Maar bijleren is altijd mooi meegenomen. Ik zou gewoon rekening houden met wat het mij kan opbrengen op lange termijn

Zoek gewoon ander werk. Je hebt al een bachelor en een andere bachelor erbij zal je niet veel verder helpen tenzij je echt graag rechtspraktijk ofzoiets dergelijks wil gaan doen. Als je ergens begint leer je immers enorm veel bij op het werk zelf. D tijd die je kwijtspeelt met studeren kun je beter benutten door je op te werken in je nieuwe functie.

Ik had het toch ook lekker zelf bijgehouden. Met wat chance blijft uw dossier voor het terug te vragen in een kast liggen ofzo.

Omdat hij de "Wir haben es nicht gewuƟt" kaart trok op de capriolen van zijn vriend Melikan kucam.

Maggie wil ook wel wat.


Thank you for the quick response! I'll have a look at it. Could be useful for some other functionalities as well.

Playback audio from microphone to default speaker


I'm kind of new to powershell scripting and couldn't find any leads to get me started on making a script to take the streaming data from a microphone device and playing it live. So I'll try my luck by asking it here. I basically want to replicate the functionality of the 'Listen to this device' checkbox inside properties window of a microphone in the Sound Control Panel.

I found a small lead here but I couldn't make anything out of it and it's also from 2011:


Thanks in advance

No worries man! I also went a little out of line. Eventually we had a nice little discussion about a patch of land we both just want to see reach it's true potential šŸ˜‰ Enjoy your evening too mate!

I honnestly don't think this would benefit us. What will we do with Brussels. We think it's flanders, walloons think it's wallonia and Brussels probably thinks it should be independent. What do we do with our national dept, army, healthcare and so on. How will the EU react and other nations who fear similar disruptions e.g. Spain (Catalonia,Baskenland). I think we will waist a lot of time and resources fighting about these things instead of making them better serve the population. I also think the big contrast between flemish and walloon politicians and there focus is a result of the splitting of all things that where belgian with Kieskringen, gewesten gemeenschappen,... Etc. Although I do think some of these evolutions where necessary to make the flemish equal.

Anyway you could be right but it will bring a lot of shit with it and I personally think that the N-VA will make any deal with wallonia no matter the costs or disadvantages just to gain their free state of Flanders. You can be right thou but all depends on the execution.

I fear they stopped doing this in Belgium a long time ago. I know you can't do good for everyone. But I think we are seriously lacking a longterm vision wich we can actually persue. Especially on the federal level.

True, but as you say. It happened in his cabinet wich resulted in negative publicity for him and probably the whole party as a result. I highly doubt that nobody knew of this before the whole Pano repo and it whould be in their interest to keep this quiet. Like with all scandals the top escapes any responsibility. Just like the whole Sihame thing.

But if you like him. Just continue to do it man i'm not here to convince you who or what is good.

I know what they said on the news but I wasn't personally in Theo's kabinet to answer your question. I don't understand the definition of "reee" but I guess you are just trying to provoke wich I would expect from a typical N-VA hardliner.

did you forget or just ignore the whole "Melikan Kucam" thing?