That deers got balls fighting the dominant species on this dirt clump like that

Watched a show on Netflix recently called Scavengers Reighn and I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone talk about it since it’s gorgeous and actually pretty good

Don’t remember all to well but marky mark, the rock and the falcon in that one movie Micheal bay did in between Transformers movies I don’t remember it’s name but the pictures of the people the actors were portraying were vastly different in facial structure and actual muscle mass if I remember correctly

You really going to keep fighting someone who’s tossing you around like a toddler

My neighbor had a ball python when he was growing up and he likes when I take mine out cause that means he can pet her ( once he washes his hands ) with out his wife knowing

Ha what a coincidence I’m drawing a rex skull for a cover I’m making right now and the first thing I see is this when I take a brake and look at Reddit

Gave 100k alloy to a subject of my arch enemy to get them to join me and conquer the galaxy


He was a bit mad at me when I put the vine branch in and he thought it was a worm

Finally upsies are attainable

A week cause I was sick and didn’t eat for a week and a half

I disagree I love having nearly unlimited habitats

Look I’m not one to judge another’s fetish but what the actual fuck

I think it might be but it could also just be a goober thing

I love POTs Rex design a lot but I love Prehistoric planets a lot more