I’ve loved the skaven aesthetic since the 80s, Andy chambers skaven warhammer army has left an indelible mark on my brain. Along with the warpstone….

Two fat nosed clowns kissing each other

Banning it won’t work but helping educate people and putting a much larger tax on these thing such as smoking alcohol and fast food/unhealthy food and ring fencing that to go to the nhs to ensure it gets the funding it needs would work

I’m getting a real 2000AD vibe off your art and it’s great

Not really, but society has deemed that to be so despite all the evidence and knowledge to the contrary

Thanks for the link. I can’t see how this would keep my jaw from just falling open though like they do with the ones I’ve tried in the past, it’s not so much just the sheer force it’s that my mouth just doesn’t stay shut (I’m sure my wife has a lot to say along those lines too 😂)

I can’t remember what it was but I remember the top and bottom was all in one piece but you could adjust how far apart they were. The ENT specialist I spoke to said most of them were much the same and generally it wasn’t worth going for a fully fitted by a dentist model unless there were real issues. Which maybe there are and I’ll have to revisit at some point after trying several other thing.

By pop out I meant that my jaw just fell back open when I’d lie down, even with a chin strap, my overbite is evidently very strong 😂

The ones I’ve tried are like the moulded ones using boiling water still fall out the minute I lie down 😩

How did you keep yours in? I always found the minute I lay flat mine would pop right out as my jaw fell backwards

You can also have Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome which while it isnt as bad as apnea can be almost as bad with constantly being woken at night and ruining your sleep. I have this issue so it’s always worth getting a sleep study done (I found I was having over several dozen episodes over a night of raised heart rates and sleep disturbances that were preventing me getting a solid night sleep)

I’ve not had the chance to try a cpap but the mandibles splints I tried never stayed in position for me even with a chin strap and popped out almost immediately 😭

That’s not the number 1 incarnation there was a regular rat ogre before it was this undead reanimated version

Oh there will be some forms of life left, but humans won’t be one of them

How long do you think one small town on a planet made almost completely inhabitable by most life would fare…?

I’d bet money on it, you only need to look at how much we’ve fucked shit up in the last few hundred years alone

There’s an argument for throwing all plastic waste in landfill. That will limit how much gets into waterways then and maybe at some stage in the future once we finally get to the stage of really having to actually recycle/break it down properly we can mine it all back out to do

Even painting isn’t required unless you go to an event that demands it. It’s your hobby do what you like