Based on how many new players pick the LS, I’d say it’s accurate.

If you own both already, then flip a coin.

The reason I say S.I. Shagaru is tougher is because his moveset is waaaay more chaotic than Fatalis. Fatalis took me more tries, but that’s just because I got to fight the regular Shagaru and quest Risen Shagaru first. After fighting both many times, Fatalis is much easier to avoid taking damage from.

I don’t count Extreme Behemoth or Ancient Leshen primarily because I feel they’re only difficult because of poor design more than anything else.

Sunbreak Endgame is pretty dumb hard as well didn’t do much of it cuz got to bored so can’t say much but was still crazy so idk up to your preference of whats difficult.

I’ve reached AR 300 and can comment on this. Special Investigation Risen Shagaru and Valstrax I’d argue are more dangerous than Fatalis was in Iceborne. Easily the hardest content in 5th Gen.

It’s just something you get used to, like the Clutch Claw in Iceborne. Nearly every game has its gimmick.

Hopefully they come around on Rise, too. Both games are great for different reasons.

Hell yeah. Now the actual hard part: getting them to the end.

And if that doesn’t work, kidnap them and refuse to release them from your basement until they solo Fatalis.

Between those two, go for HR Anjanath. Don’t want to spoil the Nergi fight too early.

Don’t try to get them onboard by comparing it to Elden Ring. They’ll go in expecting Elden Ring and will quickly discover that it’s a different beast. Just show them some gameplay like the other guy suggested. Preferably from later in the game against a really unique monster.

Sword & Shield

Well, 10 minutes with the skull isn’t really the intended experience, but it’s not unexpected since this your first time in Master Rank.

:sword-and-shield: Sword and Shield

Attempt him again and record the fight. Then, assuming you fail the quest again, watch the video and pause it whenever you get hit. Ask yourself why you got hit and what you should have done to avoid the attack instead. Do that until you notice where the safe zones are for each of his attacks. Once you figure that out, you’ll have a much easier time since you’ll know where to stand.

Wirebugs wouldn’t be included with Switch Skills in a future game since they’re distinct mechanics.


Sunbreak did moveset customization better overall through Switch Skills. I’d rather that return to future titles, instead.

:sword-and-shield: Sword and Shield

Elemental Charge Blade is ridiculous in Sunbreak. It doesn’t matter if you miss an SAED here and there if each phial is doing 300+ damage at the lower end.

I think Americans would be fine with the White House burning this time around.

:sword-and-shield: Sword and Shield

Have they all spoken to Senri in the village yet?

If I hear any more complaining, I’ll replace Montezooma with a 4D Free Spin.

Does your husband know you’re posting pictures of his above-average deck online?