Interesting. This was my first time seeing them live, and I’d watched videos of live performances thinking he sounded a bit pitchy; however, at RR I thought he sounded awesome. Whatever he’s doing seems to be working!

Those appear to be reproductions. Happy to support fan art but don’t really support blatant knockoffs.

Really appreciate the offer nonetheless!

That’s what I’m thinking to. Have to keep an eye on eBay, postmark, etc., but thought this was worth a try too. Hope we can both find oneb

I was told by the ladies taking payment that they would only be available at the Bazaar. That being said, if they don’t all sell they have to do something with them. So who knows.

Limit is two per person and they will ship both to one address or one to two different addresses.

Queens tonight!!! You should go.

Yeah I’m realizing that I should have waited to submit my claim until Q2 2024 which would have included more wages from the job that I was laid off from and that would have increased my benefit. Didn’t realize there was a strategy to submitting an unemployment claim.

If I only included my last job, it would be $20k; however, I’ve realized the issue is the base period only counting two months that I was at the last job and that puts my benefit at less than $20k.

So, basically I’m getting fucked over by the quarters for the base period. Since I submitted my claim in Q1 2024, my base period is Q4 2022 to Q3 2023. I was at the job I was laid off of from August 2023 on. They disqualified my wages from my previous job, so my only aplicable wages are from the twoish months last year. Had a waited to submit my claim in Q2 2024, it looks like I would have been better off on the claim. Fml

I spoke with the UI office and they confirmed that because I voluntarily left my previous job to accept the job that I was laid off from, that those wages were disqualified from applying to my claim.

I have a determination notice associated with my employer from last year that says that I was found to be responsible for my separation because I quit to accept other employment. I have another determination notice that says I am eligible due to lack of work from my most recent employer.

On the original determination letter, there is a line that says “Maximum benefit amount available during your benefit year” and the number is $20306.

Where can I find how many weeks I qualified for? Based on my understanding of the base period and earnings, I believe I should qualify for the maximum benefit. Just not sure I’m really understanding the balance number.


I see. Thanks for clarifying. I moved to CO last June from CA and was recruited for another job which I began in August. I think they disqualified the job I had when I moved to Colorado for the work from June to August. I had worked that job for almost two years.

So am I only eligible for benefits from August to February since I voluntarily left the other job?

[Colorado] Max Benefits vs Balance?[Colorado] Question

Hi all, I’m struggling with getting through to a UI representative so I’m hoping someone can help. I was laid off at the end of February and my claim was just approved last week.

My maximum benefit is around $20k but after the payout last week, my balance is listed around $900. I would interpret the balance amount as what remains available on my claim but that conflicts with my maximum benefit. Am I understanding the balance correctly? Is this claim almost exhausted already?

Thanks in advance!

[Colorado] Max Benefits vs Balance?[Colorado] Question

Hi all, I’m struggling with getting through to a UI representative so I’m hoping someone can help. I was laid off at the end of February and my claim was just approved last week.

My maximum benefit is around $20k but after the payout last week, my balance is listed around $900. I would interpret the balance amount as what remains available on my claim but that conflicts with my maximum benefit. Am I understanding the balance correctly? Is this claim almost exhausted already?

Thanks in advance!

Was there over the past weekend, 9 of us in total and no one got sick. Drank too much, swam in the ocean, ate street food, were at bars after they shut off the water, and we all made it out unscathed.

CO adult ski camp recsDiscussion

Hey everyone, next season will be my second season skiing and I’d really like to shore up some of the weak aspects of my skiing by doing a multi-day camp. Does anyone have any recommendations in Colorado or potential Utah?
