Right, I just shared a story and your observation pretty much sums it up. To fully believe that just like the dark fades when you turn the light in your room on, same thing happens when darkness comes across you. I guess that’s why I’m able to transmute effortlessly yet very rarely do it, unless god guides me to people or situations where I’m requested to. God bless yall and happy 4th!

And no I’m not religious nor ever been. Sht I grew up with my parents telling me ghosts weren’t real nor aliens. Yup I got stories for days, most of them with witnesses. 

Btw i forgot to add, months ago, in a conversation with my grandma, it was revealed to me that we had a family member who used to practice dark magic. So I guess my life has been about healing generational misbehaviors? And traumas. It was painful but now it seems I’m able to transmute any energy I want. But that’s the thing, I don’t want to. Unless that energy itself wants to. And paradoxically, that brings even more capabilities. It’s like god knows your heart. Or sum. 

I believe they exist but are truly powerless on humans unless invited thru whether presently or from past generations. I have some stories but my favorite one is about a time I was meditating, during one of the lowest points in my life, just trying to figure out why I was behaving the way I was towards my life. Suddenly a very heavy and scary vibe tries to embrace me, I even sensed an odor. As if breathing deeply, I start to see one of those stars used by the dark occultists, but I’m still breathing in and out, I felt the sensations but I remained calm and composed. Eventually, on the other side of my bed, opposite of me, I sense and hear someone stand up and getting closer to me. I’m still calmly meditating, on the floor, and as this “thing” began to approach me, I thought it would be a good idea to talk to it about god, and that we can still choose him and love. It was very emotional, we didn’t say a word, mental nor physical, but we understood that we both wanted to change. I told it I loved it, and that Jesus was awaiting its return with open arms. So the vision got more intense, but the walking stopped. For several seconds there was nothing but pure silence and thought a bit nervous, I was breathing calmly and trusting that my brother wanted to return to gods grace. Weird right? Evenntually, this thing begins to walk back and just sat on the stairs in my room, since it’s got another space connected to it. It sat and I heard the wood creaking in confirmation. This thing seats and I really feel like it was thinking about my words, because I meant them. Eventually the vibe fades, and I really believe that that day, a brother joined his father. An energy that got tired of repeating the negative cycles it decided he had to do. (A spirit psychologically projecting, but then also a projection of mine at the time, synchronizing oddly enough) and since that day forward, things began to be better mentally for me, slowly but surely. It been a couple years since that experience but it has left a lasting impact in my life. I went from quick to judge and criticize, to understanding and being able to accept everyone regardless of their choices, for in gods eyes, we are all in this journey back to him. Thought we try to experience “life” without him. All glory to god. And my apologies for the crap writing style, I should get back to doing that since I really liked to back in my younger days. Stay safe and happy 4th!

Paper trade. For now work n save. Start a lil business like cleaning things, moving things, etc

Regardless of what it says these things don’t work. Simply put gods got it.

D cool. My sister shares similar stories but with k pop dudes who come out of nowhere 😂 

There’s a reason it’s called reality, it doesn’t care if you believe it. It just is. I was in your position once. If no ones harmed don’t be alarmed it’ll pass. Know for sure, reality is stranger than fiction. Atheist or not. I grew up in a household where everyone said ghosts were not a thing. Let’s just say once you n others see things. You’ll realize my message. God bless you’ll be alright. Very interesting.

I tried posting on superstonk but it was removed cause of my low karma.

Hi feel welcome to repost wherever you want. I got this off Ryan B. Reynolds on X. 

Thanks for doing your part. Your comment can serve in the future. 

Call of action for all apes!! URGENT!!This Is The Way ✨

To all GME Investors. From @ryanbreynolds

THIS is happening tomorrow. the hearing is set for June 13th for H.R. 4551!!! make this go VIRAL!

if you are FOR the CAT system that is going to uncover all the illegal activates happening by market makers, hedge funds, dark pools, our government officials that are doing insider trading and help protect RETAIL investors then get off your collective asses, keyboards, phones, text messages, porn sites and call to voice your concern to stop this bill from happening. they are rushing this because they are scared AF of what's this hammer is going to bring down. WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED on retail investors. Retail is FOR the Consolidted Audit Trail.

House Appropriations Committee Office:
(202) 224-7363 🐈

you better bet your cat ass that I am going to request a FOIA on the calls that are going to happen to that phone number.

Text - H.R.4551 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): Protecting Investors’ Personally Identifiable Information Act | http://Congress.gov | Library of Congress https://congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/4551/text


CATs and declaring war on retail. we also understand this will uncover their trading practices (which anyone in office should not be able to make insider trading and making 10's to 100's of millions in their public servant position. C.A.T. SYSTEM 😾 MANY OF THE SAME NAMES, BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BY WALL STREET! WE DEMAND YOU LEAVE THE CAT SYSTEM ALONE AND LET THE SEC DO THEIR JOBS!📷 📷📷 OVER 7 BILLION SHARE ERRORS WERE FOUND IN A SINGLE DAY THANKS TO THE CONSOLIDATED AUDIT TRAIL📷 AS IT STANDS - MARKET MAKERS CAN SHARE OUR PERSONAL INFORMATION, ORDER DETAILS IN FULL WITH THEIR HEDGE FUND CONGLOMERATES TO ALLOW THE FRONT RUNNING OF TRADES AND MARKET MANIPULATION. WE PREFER THE DATA GOES TO THE SEC INSTEAD. the financial services committee is trying to disapprove of the new CAT( consolidated audit system) system by not allowing the funding or ability to use the CAT system. Retail investors (your constituents and supporters) need the CAT in full operations with no restrictions in order to stop the illegal and corrupt naked short selling that occurs every day in our Market. They are using loopholes to cover tracks to remove themselves from the REGSho list. ( in clear view of the laws governing such acts of crime, collusion and corruption) Market makers, banks and hedge funds naked short companies into the ground by illegal means. I trust that you will do the right things and stand up for millions of retail investors. The criminal Wall Street elites should not be allowed to use naked shorting to rob retail investors, the American tax payers and citizens,( the back bone of the country) blind. We look to you to stand on the right side of history in this matter and not be distracted by graft or pressure, Thank you very much! A vote against the CAT system is a vote against American Retail Shareholders and declaring war on retail investors. You are looking down 2 barrels lock & stock. Retail and Americans have had enough. I have Included all Financial Committee Members on this message: @FinancialCmte





































No cell, No sell.


Holy sht a one percent halt on upwards movement is as clear as day. Paper trails fellas, collective paper trails. 7% drop and no halts but one up and halted it’s as manipulated as it gets. If a big hedge fund helps its over. 

I’ll have to disagree, and this is exactly what I was pointing out to my sister, why is it that every other letter, I don’t confuse, say the single l, the a at the end, etc. I remember looking at the singular c, and thinking that it always had a k, and how ridiculous it sounded and looked without it but as my sister said, it stood out, and it did so I accepted that as a marketing move, she remembers this conversation as well. 

Well now she’s freaking out because it’s always had a k!! I remember this conversation like it was yesterday. Chic • Fil • A. It did stand out and now who’s wrong? 😂 Clearly her. I’ve even driven by the restaurant when it didn’t have a k and thinking how it always did and how it did stand out.  To clarify, no i didn’t see cow ads nor watch tv ads about it since I barely even watch it. All I looked at was the restaurant letters on my way to work and the packaging from my sisters leftovers. Its weird that it never had a k. So weird that I accepted life without it. And now it’s back, or should I say, it’s always been there.

 In summary I went from the “timeline” where it had a K, then to not k, to a k again. My sister always said it had no k back in the day and I found it weird. Now she’s freaking out cause she remembers us arguing about it as well as I, and it’s always had a K after all. Strange times.

That’s what I thought when I found out it was spelled without a k, dmb but my sister said it stood out. Marketing I supposed but now it’s got a k again?!?!?!? And no I don’t remember driving by cow ads nor tv. Barely watch it. So so weird. 

I never saw these but I live close to one and it was chick at first, then chic, argued with my sister about how weird and empty it looked without a k a few years back, now I find out it’s got a k again and my sister is freaking out saying it never did. Who’s wrong now? 😆 but yea I swear on everything it was without a k after all. And now it’s back. What kind of multiverse shhht is this?

Exactly this happened to me this exactly. Wow!!!! Now I’m freaking out fr.

I could swear on everything that it’s always been chic. I remember arguing with my sister about how dmb it was for it to not have a k, chicken sandwiches after all, and her conclusion was because it stood out. I thought it was a marketing decision for it to not have a k. Just came across a tweet that says it’s spelled with a k. I even remember staring at the restaurant logo and thinking, how empty it looked without a k. Now as for all the other letters, it’s all the same, one l, one a etc. But the k, it was never there. I could literally swear to god on this one. Wow.