Most babies aren’t interested in bbq’s, you could show it either gas or coal. Personally I prefer coal as there is a special flavour on charcoal and an intensity of the heat and char.

However you get way more control for slow and low on gas. Depends on what you want to show your new born first. Congratulations by the way

Hello, I thought I’d reach out to chat. I was moved by your birthday post, happy birthday !

From what I read I get the feeling that you feel you have missed out on key things? It’s possible that it’s more of a realisation that these things are important but they are available still. Chase these things and find them.

I’m not sure what your circumstances are but travel was something that helped me connect in a way. Yet there are times when I have felt disconnected too for lots of different reasons.

I am interested In you as a person and as a human being. If life is a series of connections then even in an anonymous and disconnected people can still connect.

I’m interested in what you do, are you in the hospitality industry? How did you find yourself there? What do you like about it and what would you change?

You can tell me as much or as little or you like, ask me any question and I’ll tell if I can.

I sincerely wish you a happy birthday from London UK.

Believe in the one cod, the redeemer. Saviour of sole

Love that confident smile, she knows it’s good and she knows you know it’s good too. Love it

You could be autistic. “Social energy” could be considered a form of masking or performing the part of a social person and trying to understand and engage in the appropriate way. This is exhausting and can reach a point where you switch off entirely. I get migraines.

The storks friend is called chicken ?

Well I mean she’s not wrong having a kid did ruin her career because now she’s going to prison. Self fulfilling prophecy

The projection from deeeeep inside the closet

Your dad is a heavy weight champion. An inspiration

You need to explain to these people that it’s all or nothing for these people. They will pick and choose which fascist ideals suit them but will balk at others. No, this is all they stand for.

Looks like saitami one punch man

How’d you get so ripped 100 push ups 100 sit ups 100 squats

Had this happen to a mate, it fucked his insurance for years, no cameras back then either. Just, well you went into him

NPC stairs, you interact with character who leaves and goes upstairs. You’re not meant to follow the NPC so the upstairs doesn’t render.

Try jumping lots of times pushed against the wall and you might clip through it and speed run to the end of the level, or you’ll fall forever.

The way she waits for him to move the ball, cringe as fuck

I wish I could roll back the clock for Tim Curry and give him his health, he was health a bad hand and the man was fire in everything, even his tongue in cheek roles he played them just right.

I would have loved to see him in more stuff

Remember going there and them not having the movie you want so you have to go back to aisle for another 30 mins