You can DEFINITELY make this work …..but you have to work to make it work.

You guys need to have a candid conversation about what you feel and what would be red lines etc

I hear ya. I just think we’re far away from it.

Anything you do that is good for you, helps you, and doesn’t hurt anyone….do it.

I’d check out Aish. They’ve got programs that attract a lot of different people

It was Friday. They said they’d give me to Monday

CX50 Prem Plus lease PURCHASE ADVICE

Returning a 21’ CX5 GT

On paper their offer for a cx50 prem plus was $459/Month (Brooklyn NY)

Bank fee, taxes, dmv fees first month due at signing.

I was exhausted as they were short staffed and had me sitting their for 3 hours but pretty sure on the way out the manager offered to bring it down to $400 if I signed (obviously I didn’t but I imagine I can still get that price if I want it)

We’re expecting our first child in a month.

I don’t really drink as it is but I do have a few puffs from my one hitter throughout the course of a normal day.

I’m going to cut that out in a couple Of weeks- I don’t want to ever be in a position where I’m needed to care for our kid but I can’t bc I got high. Once mom is back on her feet and baby has gotten comfortable with their sleep routine I’ll probably revisit.

The idea of having to drive somewhere with my baby while under any influence just horrifies me

Maybe in 100 years. I think it’s less to do with the advancements in tech and more to do with where is society at in terms of its comfort level when it comes to AI and robots.

In 100 years I expect interacting with AI/robots will be the norm and preferred method of contact commercially and at that point it could then work

I also think in 100 years we will have robots with distinct personalities in our personal lives/as loved ones so take whatever I opine with a grain of salt

If I’m someone else on that balloon, I’m kicking this dude square in the nuts as soon as we land

Was NHL and NBA. Thank god no I don’t miss it at all

Lucky guy. I have the paranoia but all it leads to is sleepless nights and weekends

What to know about lease return/new lease

I have a 21’ CX5 GT lease ending October. Has just under 20k miles on it. Torn between buying it out or getting a new lease.

My wife and I plan to move to a dif country in 2-3 years. While I like my car and the buyout offer is solid, I don’t want to even have to deal with selling it in 2-3 years.

Are bank acq fees standard, even when you’re switching to another lease? Do dealers have the ability to eat that?

Their offer to me today on a CX50 lease: 2.5s Premium trim 36 months. 10kmiles/month $459/Monthly payment (+tax) $3,000 in incentives

Down payment : 1st month, bank fee, DMV fees

On the way out they asked if they made it 12k miles and $400/monthly would I take it (I didn’t but it does seem like a good offer)

I landed my first “dream job” about 11 years ago working for a pro sports team.

It sucked. The amount of Kool Aid you need to drink to survive was insane. I’d imagine it would be very similiar at a place like barstool as a commoner

Love it. These stories always make me laugh/be happy.

The rebbetzin at our shul would always commend me when she saw us there in bad weather (we had a 50 minute walk at the time)

I had to be honest and tell her it was bc my wife pushed me lol

He told him not to marry a non Jewish girl. The more obvious assumption is because he didn’t want his son marrying a non Jewish woman and abandoning the faith.

Turns out that non Jewish person converted and became more observant than him.

His dad asked him to help him work on sabbath and he said no bc of his wife.

Dad than makes it more clear why he didn’t want them meeting- bc she made him more observant.

It’s something that tends to happen in real life. My wife is a convert and much more religious than myself

You’re getting into the nitty gritty of the Halacha now. Every single posek I know will tell you if you have a concern….call

Just to clarify a few things. Saving a life (Jewish and or not Jewish just for the record) trumps any of the rules re men and women touching etc

Saving a life is above everything really. We’re allowed to break the sabbath for. So forth and so on.

The main reason we (I’m orthodox. Not as orthodox as that community but know it pretty well) is simply because they are amazing. They are much much much faster than a 911 call and tend to have great EMTs

Fun fact- non Jewish friends and neighbors of mine call them too bc they know the deal

I lost both parents in the past 18 months and u fortunately had to call them Close to 10 times. I kid you not. Each time their response time was minutes.

RIP to those innocent kids

Oh I’m well aware and I agree.

Where it becomes an issue is when it seems like someone is making excuses for good Ol fashioned anti semitism. And how that looks and plays out- verbal and physical attacks etc.

Regardless of the why- when things like that are on the rise (and they sure are) statements like the one I am talking about is at best extremely irresponsible.


Intentional othering and isolation?

First of all, would you be comfortable saying this about any other minority group and how they form communities?

2nd- read the quote. Decide for yourself.

3rd- we are a community based faith. We HAVE to be in walking distance to our me- if that wasn’t a prerequisite to live an observant Jewish life, I’d be the first one out of our enclave bc it’s expensive as hell

This doesn’t mean we don’t interact with non Jewish people as he insinuates. It only takes looking at how many Jews are in our districts PS to see it with one’s own eyes. We play little league together for god same

I never understood this argument

Now I believe in god. It’s just this argument I don’t get. Maybe I’m missing something.

But unless there is a line from All the people at Sinai down to us today….isnt it POSSIBLE some made the story up along time ago and passed that story down?

Neither did his insane comment about us self segregating and how that creates anti semitism