Please list all 12 spinoffs. Fear, World Beyond, Dead City, Daryl Dixon, TOWL are all I can come up with.

I always thought that's what they should have done on the farm too.

I jokingly call this the Rick Grimes Christmas Movie. It's a fun romance with tons of big names. Andrew played his part very well.

Don't forget "little girl" in first episode stopped to pick up a stuffed animal.

NTA. Two people complained SHE ruined the wedding yet it's YOUR fault? F that! You've told her repeatedly to step back and she won't. 100% she's TA.

My LEAST favorite episode. Morgan was never one of my favorite characters. Got his own kid killed because he couldn't put down his wife. And the back and forth crazy, ok, crazy, ok. I was so pissed this was an hour and a half episode. Lmao

NTA. I've spent my lifetime either abandoned or playing 2nd fiddle to step children in my father's life. It can break your soul. I think it was good for you to finally be able to get it all off your chest. It THEY had parented better, you wouldn't have this resentment.

I think it's neat your parents wrapped like that, but I have never heard of anyone doing it that way. My friends growing up, obviously my parents, my grown siblings, my grown friends with kids, no one did/does that. I don't know what made me think of doing this but with my kids, Santa only brought 3 presents to each child. They were all wrapped in Santa paper. All the other presents were whatever paper you grabbed, or we have way too much red under the tree, use the other colors.

I've had two horrendous haircuts. Anyone remember the mom from Alf? She had the whole top of her head really short and the rest was I think shoulder length. I had normal bangs, not even a lot of area was cut as bangs. The lady cut my "bangs" all the way to the back of my part.

Day before PROM I go in. Had well past shoulder length hair. Lady cuts my entire head about one inch short like a pixie cut or something. I couldn't even use a tiny barrel curling iron it was so short!

Now I'm pushing 60, have developed curls since menopause and went a lovely shade of grey. I wear my hair just barely past my chin all the way around and love it. I cut it myself! I put 3 ponytails in my hair, 2 sides and back, and cut all the hair off below the scrunchie. With it being curly, no one can tell if it isn't a perfect cut.

NTA You aren't causing this problem, SIL is. And your hubby is TA because he wants to let her call your child by the wrong name AND won't stick up for you. ESH except OP.

You had a good point. If I was going to babysit that many kids, I'd for sure want to be paid a fair wage for each one.

I'm 99% sure in the US 10 kids per 1 adult in daycare is illegal. I've raised 3 kids. I would rather get divorced than deal with 10, 8 of which are little. Oh, hell no! OP, NTA! Don't give in or your life is over. Run!