I never said he wasn't bad. Just that those subs have gone off the deep end and that you even acknowledging that he's better than Trump in any capacity is enough to warrant a ban for "liberalism" or "biden apologia"

Aww, they're trying to be clever. That's cute.

Seems I've touched a nerve. But go on believing your lies so you can feel like you're superior. It's all you've got left, isn't it? Feeling superior to strangers on the internet you'll never even meet.

And you think the reason is that Biden is sitting next to a printing press, cackling with glee as he prints out more dollar bills to be sent on big pallets to Ukraine, I assume?

It means being aware of social inequalities and systemic injustices. That's it. But you were told it's just the latest in a long line of attacks against those poor oppressed straight white men, weren't you?

It's so good that I'm not seething with rage on reddit because faux told me to be mad lol

Of course he is. How could he not be?

I didn't avoid your dad's mouth with my cock lmao

Back when the devs cared cheaters in Planetside 2 would get banned and the entire server got a message about it.

You thought a GameBoy track would actually cause kids to commit suicide for some reason?

I misread it as "League of Non-Allied Powers" and was like well that's a bit contradictory, isn't it?

Meh, they're just not my cup of tea. I prefer the writing of, say, Morrowind to some guy on YouTube ranting about how suspicious it is that multiple ancient people found the optimal shape to stack rocks and not have them fall over for a long time or whatever else.

Theoretically, yes. But the dude is 78 and doesn't look too good. He believes exercise will shorten your life and eats McDonalds all the time, it's honestly surprising that he hasn't keeled over yet. I'll be genuinely surprised if he's still alive 4 years from now.

They literally put up in lights that they are domestic terrorists.

And nobody seemed to notice. Nobody seemed to care.

If you must engage in such spaces, ask why no Republican has denounced it.

Well it was Trump who banned bump stocks and said "Take the guns first, go through due process second". And it was Reagan who said that "there's no reason why, on the street today, a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons" while it was Marx who said that "Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered" so you tell me.