If you're up for a trip, try Dear Deer at Onehunga Mall. Stellar selection of beans that you can get roasted instore or try their dark or medium roast coffee that's made to go.

They have shown me what real coffee tastes like with a depth and character of flavour that I never knew was possible.

Edit: found they have a store in Newmarket. Bit closer to you!

🎶 It's now or never. I dont wanna live forever 🎶

Can't believe she got to claim the reward put up by the family. She was an accessory to murder. Sure, she got immunity but claiming the prize was BS.

It might start appearing in Mole miner pails or Christmas gifts. Just wait until one of those events and hopefully you can find one!

Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town.

Old school Hollywood, baseball Jack Gilardi's ten feet tall

Not the advice you wanna hear, but you may need to reload a previous save (if you have one) and try save up some ammo by being more conservative with your shots.

I had to do that during that notorious chapter with the house...

If you go back, use a guide to get all the keys and unlock some safes for more ammo.

Good job on getting so far though, many have failed getting there.

(Long shot, watch some speedruns, and see what strategies they employ to defeat that boss.)

Can you name the truck with four wheel drive, smells like a steak and seats thirty-five...

Does your cat take appointments? I need financial advice.

"Supermarkets hate this one simple trick."

I feel ya bro, in a similar boat here.

I remember Cocaine energy. Came in two flavours with a red can or blue. The red was legit spicy which was weird and the blue was forgetable.

It was like 5 bux for a small can as well. Got one for the novelty but you couldn't beat a 500ml demon for 3 bux.

It's made a come back but all the flavours are sugarfree. Pretty sure the original production wasn't?

Still tastes pretty good but my nostalgia is blighted by the aftertaste.

Used to find it in Discount stores. It's definitely a strange name for a drink, tasted kinda strange.

Johnny Booth, Currents, Erra, Invent Animate, and Silent Planet.

I owe this sub a lot, thanks for the recommendations, everyone!

I have an older model so my advice might not be useful. Follow the battery wires to the bit they connect too and look closely for any melted wires.

My one would overheat and melt those wires if used for too long. The problem areas are the clear/white wire connectors. Like a true backyard idiot i snipped them off and soldered them together - fixed.

Try get your hands on a tesla rifle and tag as much enemies as possible. You'll gain a tonne of XP and thats what we want from you!

No one cares you aren't melting the Aliens or whatever. Have fun and try to stay alive.

Once you hit the higher levels, it'll be you melting the aliens and helping the new players.

Recently tried this one and its already a favorite. Cant get enough of it!

Fantastic burn and beautiful, comforting scent. That and Artisan JP are on rotation all day.

Your ears are in proportion to your head and your nose is killer! Honestly kind of jealous, its a strong nose.

The bald look suits you as well.

No need to be insecure my dude, be proud!

You guys got a cool vibe going. 70's rock, a bit of Led Zep! Singer's got a good voice for it as well!

Dude, if that's your backup - what's the main board like?! I'd have so much fun with this one alone.

Thanks for sharing Tomz. Dude has incredible production value and his personality is so fun and inspiring. To anyone reading this, do yourself a favor and find Tomz on youtube.

I find black Bics work the best. Hit an open note and it sustains for hours.

+Turbo-fert fertilizer. Pick some gourds, chuck a turbo fert grenade, repeat until you have the same amount as cranberries. Easy relish.

That alone could be an album worth of songs my dude.

If lyrics aren't coming to you now, don't force it. You might be doing something tomorrow and a line will come to you - note it down and go from there.

A lot of my lyrics come out of the blue whilst doing something else. I go over them later and hash out a song.