Ride now! Ride! Ride for ruin! And the world’s ending!

Death! Death! DEATH!

Edge Transit still drops from Onslaught. Apex Preadator is a solid option, Taipan is still a good “Hey it works, doesn’t it?” Option. That new Stasis Linear that’s a works drop has a few good options, Hammerhead isn’t a crazy great option, but it can roll with Envious and Killing Tally which is good when you’re lacking other options.

I’ll try and present a less obvious, but still fitting option.

Half-Drow Eldritch Knight with a focus on Dexterity. Cantrips could be Chill Touch and Blade Ward.

Initial Spells could be Mage Armor (I’m not really seeing any armor here, so this could be a solid defensive option) and Tasha’s Caustic Brew. For your 3rd any class spell, take Cause Fear or Ray of Sickness.

I’m honestly taking a break from Destiny until Bungie sorts out Pathfinder. I’m not playing this hopscotch vanguard gambit crucible bull crap. Just let me do my strikes in peace.

I feel your pain brother. The amount of times I’ve died to a barrier champ because my shield decides it wanted to go on a trip is astounding.

Spartan IVs on their own are an awesome concept. It’s just their execution that’s been bad.

Shadowheart was definitely the first romance. I’m pretty sure the big reason so many people go with Shadowheart first is because she’s the “first girl” so to speak. Although you technically meet Lae’zel first, the game sets up Shadowheart to be the first permanent companion for the game past the prologue. After Shadowheart, it’s fairly easy to pick up Astarion, Gale, even Wyll before ever getting either Lae’zel or Karlach.

You simply get the most time to bond with her. It helps that the game gives you the most opportunities to party up with her of all your companions, Gale can be permanently lost from one bad dice roll, Astarion can be skipped entirely or killed off several times, Lae’zel can be killed off freely several times, and Karlach and Wyll can all be missed if you don’t go to one specific spot on the map. Shadowheart, meanwhile, is put in front of the player multiple times. At the beach, the Druid’s Grove, the Goblin Camp, and that’s just to name three, I’m sure there’s others I’ve missed.

What even happened up you though?


A gauntlet where you can set the power level of enemies to test builds. From at level, to -5, -10, -15, contest, and -25.


*I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to all beings who would call themselves enemies to the of Sol: We are here. We are waiting.”

1 is a suicide pick, so that’s out. 2 could be manageable, assuming that Shadowheart is a Selunite at this point. 3 is also a suicide pick, so that’s out. 4 is just fifty shades of get me the heck out of there. Though I may take it just so Astarion isn’t stuck with Cazador by himself. 5 I think would honestly be fine. Assuming this is professor Gale, they’d probably leave each other alone. 6 would probably just be a blood bath so no thank you. 7 would be completely manageable, assuming it’s an Orpheus aligned Lae’zel. Otherwise it’s a nightmare. 8 No thank you, I do not want to die today. 9 Both are insufferable so no way. 10 this is the only one that would be tolerable regardless of the situation.

Loved the look of the cloak. Still main my Hunter all these years later, but I do have a Warlock and Titan that I play fairly regularly with.


My Hunter’s ghost is Buddy. He’s been her little buddy since she first came back, and is the only one who stuck by her in Forsaken. He’s her best friend.

My Warlock’s ghost is Charon, he’s his study partner and the two can spend days just looking through old times and research journals.

And my Titan’s ghost is Lassie, she gets somewhat exasperated by her punch first attitude, but once they’re in the thick of it, she’s usually just as excited as she is.

So long as you have someone in your fireteam that’s that level, no. You’ll be raised to five under that person’s level.

Is power kind of useless now? Discussion

It seems that just about every activity these days now has a cap upon which your power bonuses don’t have any effect. Don’t get me wrong, for some activities, I get it. Grandmaster Nightfalls need that cap so they can stay challenging and the Legendary campaign should be more intense than the base. But now dungeons and raids are being hit with power caps, locking players at -5 power. If I remember correctly, one could previously be effectively 20 levels over the listed activity, which would have really helped both newer and older players. Instead, these activities are now even less accessible to newer players, and now players who want to do these activities are locked to surges and threats if they want to maximize their efficiency, rather than just enjoying them or going for godrolls/exotics. Even the vanguard playlist is locked at level, at least from my understanding.

So what’s the point of power increase if you just CAN’T get more powerful past a certain point? Even Iron Banner, one of the original “Your Power Matters Here” modes has done away with it. It’s especially puzzling since the hard cap is currently 2000, but the activity cap for just about everything is 1995. I get that Guardians are more powerful than they’ve ever been and that realistically, the builds the community is capable of creating can steamroll most anything put in front of us. I’m just confused why the power climb is still such a big deal when it really doesn’t do anything for you anymore.

Maybe I’m missing something, but it kind of feels like you just aren’t allowed to get more powerful past a point. So what’s the point of the power system at all?

I genuinely can’t remember what the last movie I watched was. The only thing I can recall is the Monk Movie, but that was months ago.


Human Hunter - I imagine she was a small town singer on vacation when everything fell apart. She was try to get to a safe zone when she found herself in a battle and died.

Exo Warlock - He was curious to see if a trip he took to Russia would cause the same excitement as when he was human. Wound up getting stuck in Russia for years before he died in a skirmish protecting a young child. He never found out what happened to them.

Awoken Titan - She was originally part of a criminal organization that smuggled illegal weapons. A job in Russia went south when fighting broke out and she died trying to keep her boss safe.


I see your bad Warlock exotic, and raise you one bad Titan exotic.


I mean I’m a Hunter Main so I’m always gonna be more comfortable with the Hunter kit than anything else. Hunters usually have the best ways to proc invisibility, so I’d start there.

No one can deny he’s a Titan main now.