"hi mom i'm on the view. yeah no joy behar had a last minute recipe come up but if they pan over to the cuck chair before they go to commercial i'll wave at you!"

Designated drivers when u hit em with that "can we get...um... CANDY... on the way" stare

Fucking facts man I think I could get this down to a 20 minute rewatch, if I ever decided to actually rewatch it.

It doesn't matter what they do with it in future episodes. They've already taken the position that "this shit is funny, she gets horny from pissing and he can't move to get away lmao"

This season went from actually reaching for new dramatic stakes with Hughie's dad to two dogshit episodes in a row. And this one is way worse. Ep 5 had a braindead plot that was full of holes but at least there was a plot. I'm barely even looking forward to the next one now.

It feels like they realized how easy it is to get laughs/attention by imitating a 15 year old who stole half a beer from Dad and logged on to urbandictionary, so now we're gonna get entire episodes full of "and THIS pervert... he likes to eat SHIT CHILI, which he then JACKS OFF in and rams a SPICY PEPPER up his PEEHOLE and then PISSES the pepper back out and sells the PEPPER PISS as hot sauce and then PUKES up the SHIT CHILI and..." while the story just goes in fucking circles. And no, clumsily sprinkling in lazy direct quotes from random fascists and grifters doesn't elevate it to "satire". It's still just stalling.

Why are characters from season 1, who we actually give a fuck about, getting sidelined for entire episodes over big who-cares subplots which have already been explored and gone nowhere in previous seasons, while we spent half an episode going "huh huh huh let's goatse spiderman's web pussy". Even beyond the shittiness of playing sexual assault for laughs, it's getting fucking boring. It was a big reason I didn't bother finishing Gen V.

It felt like a producer twisted their arm into slotting that in late in the drafting stage in an almost unheard of example of a suit having more sense than the writers. Whether or not they spent a beat on "rape is bad, actually", they still 100% played it as slapstick in a scene that lasted 10x longer.

I get that the show is supposed to be gross and cynical and shocking but the middle school edgelord shit went from tedious to suffocating in this ep.

EDIT: Jesus Christ is there a single other slightly media literate person in this sub?

how do we know his head is not just a superconducting magnet

lmao i caught an actual swiftie

Next teaser will feature Starlight competently using her powers to win a fight that's actually worth having.

Was Frenchie's actor shooting another project or something? I don't get why they gave him a shit B-plot and then sidelined him like this.

Loafing always looks like such a mature way to sit. Like wow what a sophisticated, precocious little nugget!

as long as she's washing it in the sink and splashing around and having a good time i don't see a problem here

someone please tell ellie about the word "yet"

she deserves to know

she needs to know

That's sleep paralysis demon behavior, but she was sleep un-paralyzed. Really makes you think

No it's not her re-releases. She has like 40 different editions of TTPD, and she'll release a new one every time some new chick starts climbing the charts. It's kinda sad.

You gotta gently set it down and give it a little "spin-the-bottle" spin

Okay this tracks. There was a gay dude from my hometown a couple years older than me, only other non-straight in the whole joint, who went off to college and was like "dude when you are in college, do NOT go to these fucking gay student meetings they will turn you homophobic". I sort of idolized him so I pretty much just skipped all that shit altogether when I went off to college.

Like he was full on gay, just from a small, poor town, and they someone suggested that since he's in "the city" now (lol, "the city" of like 800,000 people), he could let go of his need to "perform traditional masculinity", because he liked building Subarus. Which, first of all, uh, they're already lesbian cars so like...? And if you're gonna find a twink anywhere in a garage it's gonna be "sliding out from underneath a WRX complaining about how bad Fast Orange dries out his fucking hands".

I only watched like 6 eps of Supernatural and it was not for me, but I cannot believe this is the same dude as "Fuckin nothing. Cuz I'm not a little pussy."

In music, call and response is a compositional technique, often a succession of two distinct phrases that works like a conversation in music. One musician offers a phrase, and a second player answers with a direct commentary or response. The phrases can be vocal, instrumental, or both.[1] Additionally, they can take form as commentary to a statement, an answer to a question or repetition of a phrase following or slightly overlapping the initial speaker(s).[2]

yummy sushi 😋🤤🤤🤤

The next debate is gonna be a showstopper.

The market for their luxurious pelts was quickly saturated, causing the price to plummet. Hardly worth it anymore. I've been stuffing em in my walls for insulation.