Mine will always be Reservoir Dogs. I remember seeing it at like 13 and thought it was the definition of "cool". From the debates, style, quotes, music, and story felt like a 101 class on being awesome.

"Are you going to bark all day little doggie, or you gonna bite" to dancing to Stealers Wheel. Just badass.


I hated that movie so much it ruined the actor. Anything he's in I just can't watch.

A good shave followed by a nice bath and well brushed horse is the best way to start the day of playing.

Just to be covered in blood and mud 4 minutes later.

WW84 and the 2016 Ghostbusters where WAY worse too

This is literally the best thing i could've come across. What a beautiful puppy.

Played very little horde in vanilla/classic but that would an amazing pick for a home. Amazing views and very good defense position. If that makes sense lol

For some reason Duskwood will always be my pallys home.

Love that little haunted nook.

Wow classic was absolutely amazing. Seeing everyone run around like crazy opening night is something I won't forget.

The amount of people pouring into SW day 1 made me stop for a bit and just watch. Miss it already.

Random story.

Decided to get Platinum on Witcher 3 a month ago and dived back into this amazing game. I almost never wear headphones and play on low volume.

For some reason I decided to throw on headphones at like 1am out of boredom. 5 seconds of heading to the next quest I heard that random guy coughing his ass off.

Scared the absolute shit out of me. I believed for half a second that someone had broke into my house and randomly hacked a lung right into my ear.

Top 5 least favorite fight in all of From Software. Dude kicked my ass for days.

[OKC] Steven Adams

You're asking for proof that SNOOP DOGG was a pimp??

Also Rogue One had one of the best female leads I've seen. That movie was incredible.

They did the same to the female Ghostbusters movie. Calling anyone who didn't like it a sexist and bigot before it even came out.

That's hilarious. I was a HUGE Resident Evil fan for years and actually liked to scare the crap out of myself and play in the middle of the night. Watched the show a few years ago and was blown away at how much they nailed it.

God I love that show.

The Resident Evil episode took me back to living with roommates so fast.

Darth Maul is amazing and everything but there's something magical about Blake Clark grabbing his nipple piercings during a touchdown is just movie magic.