It’s a valid question. That’s what our paid politicians are supposed to be doing, trying to pass laws.

🤦🏽‍♂️ but i’m supposed to blindly vote for every democrat simply because trump is bad. How about they earn those votes?

Dude needs to drop out and support someone else. Trump is gonna steamroll him.

You have to be experiencing pure denial if you don’t believe the current polls.

Here is a legitimate question. Did trump lose any support whatsoever from his base after his four years? Clearly not. In fact, he is now viewed as a demi god who is being unfairly prosecuted.

Undecided voters will now vote for him because let’s be honest- inflation is high, war in Middle East, and the middle class continues to shrink.

Undecided voters largely don’t care about abortion, gay rights, or affirmative action. They care about the economy. And despite the numbers, we all feel the squeeze.

I don’t think belgium gets enough hate for what they did and most Americans don’t even know about this.

Oh yea? Do you feel like a winner right now? The supreme court is religious conservative for the next 20 years and Trump has easily made a bigger mark compared to Obama and Biden combined, and will likely get another 4 years…

Democrats will never learn 🤦🏽‍♂️

Stop with the morality bullcrap and start fighting, dirty if need be. Otherwise welcome to handmaidens country.

Don’t bother- these democrats are the same ones who tried forcing Hilary down our throats and lost an election because of it.

They will never learn.

Dude is gonna break a pinky and steal 50 million dollars hahaha

Why doesn’t Biden pardon his son? Trump would pardon Jn. in a millisecond. Can he stop playing by the rules??

Why not? Republicans don’t play fair, why should everyone else

Honestly- dude has a right to burn everyone with his big dragon 🤣

Would you let a doctor who spoke like that take care of you in a life or death situation… be honest with yourself

A new democratic candidate would be historical and definitely could bring that fresh energy.

Does obama have any cousins? I’m not joking here…

Bravo. Democrats need to get a backbone. Republicans have been winning the political battles since Obama’s first term. They literally reversed roe vs wade because they chose to win instead of playing fair.

Obama should have pushed in a supreme court justice and he played fair, trump forced his pick in. Biden and democratic party should have asked sotamator to retire and elected someone new. They didn’t. Trump will probably get another justice in.

Democrats- can you start paying attention to how republicans continue to beat us in the head?

We aren’t ignoring it. We’re not voting for him. Doesn’t mean we have to vote for Biden either. What’s so difficult to comprehend? We demand better and we are not going to play the game that the democrats continue to pay for the last 20 years. Our votes need to be EARNED, not expected.

The selfishness doesn’t end there. Multiple democratic leaning supreme courts justices (sotomator) for example, could have retired and have let Biden elect a young democratic justice who could have stayed in power for 20 years.

Instead she stayed. And now Trump is likely going to be electing her replacement.

The democratic party does more damage to itself than any one republican.

The reality is that trump voters still love him and want to vote for him.

Biden voters tolerate him and are expected to vote for him.

That’s not a good strategy, and the same people who tried to ram Hillary Clinton down our throats haven’t learned a thing and are willing to sacrifice democracy in the process.

Biden could have absolutely told America “ I love you but i’m too old.” Thrown his support for a good democrat candidate and we would have all supported that.

If trump wins and survives past 4 years, he will try and run third term. Bet on that.

And right now he looks like he is winning.

Rhaenyra here looking weak, indecisive, and just plain dumb. Team green??

Yea they really make her look weak, indecisive, almost cowardly. 90% of people out there would choose revenge of their son was killed and their throne was stolen.

Yes- let me take advise from my husband’s old whore and risk my life in kings landing 🤦🏽‍♂️