Try bulking at a good surplus for 6 months, you’ll get gains both muscle and fat, but you can always cut once you’re ready and lose the fat.

If you look in the mirror and say “not there yet” you should bulk. Looking at your photo you should bulk 😂 just bulk.


Forget them both, and their two party system who only presents trash.

I have listened to not like us at least once a week or more since its release. I have taught my dog to look out the window for people when he hears that phrase. 😝

This dude lives a boring life.

The dish struggle sucks and is real. Sorry no one else in the house helped you out.

Almost in triple digits here.

How dare she shame you and tell you those things.. Hold true to the fact that you are not the cause of your mother’s toxic behavior. She has no reason and possibly no way to keep you from going back to college. Call your financial aid office and tell them you need help and ask what you need to do. Don’t let her stand in the way of your future. Hard truth, you are 18 you an adult and she can’t stop you from going back.

The hard truth is that you don’t just magically change who you are. Even heterosexual people don’t just magically stop drinking, or watching porn. The gap is that they think it just happens, and then they try shaming themselves into changing when they don’t stop. It simply doesn’t work. For example, if you drink a lot most likely you drink as a coping mechanism, if you want to stop drinking you have to replace that coping mechanism with a healthy one. I’ve watched a lot friends struggle with this, and even walked away from friendships because they continue the same pattern over and over and it’s a hard thing to watch.

Check out Unitarian unversialist, or other secular gatherings doesn’t have to be a place with dogma.

Just hit your knees mid-run screaming

They might have been doing it to alert the bears 😂