I swear I used to run 8mm and like 45-60mm/s with my stock ender 3 v2

Hey man, be proud of what you’ve accomplished. Cleaning is hard, we all struggle with it sometimes.

Just pick a free one that is reputable then chug through some YouTube tutorials. Find one that fits your style. After a while there all the same

Enclosure? Would this be the better option for energy efficiency?

Look at the bottom of your print. First layer needs to have a flatten effect and will cause it to matte out a bit. If you aren’t seeing this keep taking Z offset lower

Does masking tape create an airtight seal? You should have to clean up silicone if you apply it correctly.

I use mine for stringing, didn’t realize it could help me here too. Any issues to be aware of like potential to damage anything with the heat?

Yeah I cleaned it before letting it cool down because I read on horror stories on Reddit. Everything seems fine since then lol. This is all great advice and I am sure is very useful to others with similar issues.

No, sometimes when looking at the stairs the white and brown spaces can “invert” or something making them look upside down or wrong. It’s hard to explain what is being perceived tbh

Hey man that’s horrible. I know it’s not quite the same but I just had my ACL replaced about two months ago. Just started walking on flat ground with confidence. Two biggest takeaways I had were to use ice as much as you can, it numbs the nerves, can be better than painkillers because it doesn’t just alleviate pain but also helps your body recover faster as well. The second thing is to stay on top of your PT both at home and at therapy, my mindset was that this may suck but not walking sucks more. Hope to see you back walking again in the future!

Gave her a taste of what she was cooking man. It may not have been the perfect way to do it be she understood that how you made her feel is how she made you feel and you too were able to learn something and work it out together. This is the most important part. There will alway be issues, it’s working through them in a healthy way that is important.

Reselling laws. Prevents effectively scalping cars. Rich buying up tons then flipping them due to manufacturing a smaller supply.

No offense OP but did you even try before asking? Trying and struggling is good for learning

Did he spend it all on the haircut

Not poles for holes up a the net. They don’t go up high enough, and don’t look like they are supposed to be there. Looks easy to land on.

I recall I had a heat creep issue once and melted my Bowden tube some. This made it impossible for the printer to push filament.

Try replacing your nozzle. I’ve had clogs that I thought I had cleaned but replaced the nozzle and ta-da