yes. parc ferme requires that no changes are made to the configuration of the car. but you can change pretty much everything as long it has the same configuration as the piece they're replacing

Certo, basta che chiedi al datore di lavoro di liquidarti 13esima e 14esima mese per mese

Digital retailers would still have some keys, but from ubisoft store it will be removed

Exactly. Cardile is a good engineer and has a lot of knowledge for sure, but he doesn't have the capabilities to be the lead engineer

And exactly why? He's trying his best to get the best people to Ferrari while firing the bad ones

It's a process that takes a lot of time, Jean Todt and Michael fucking Schumacher took several years to create a good car

Una parte finanziamenti pubblici, ma poca roba, per lo più arrivano tutti da sponsor tv e premi vari (non che ne ricevano ultimamente)

He tested the Barcelona package in FP1 and FP2, then they switched to the Imola package but he never went out on a dry track with that package so he did not know how well he could push the car

Then why announce them? In 3 years everyone will forget they even existed lol

What are your sources tho?

Ho un amico che ha il metalmeccanico industria, licenza media e gli hanno dato 5 anni di apprendistato

Strano che col metalmeccanico non ti abbiano fatto 60 mesi

Comunque dovrai fare 30 - 6, perciò solo 24 mesi

L'apprendistato è sulla persona, non nell'azienda

No non c'è nulla che devi pagare per la formazione ricevuta, non ho mai sentito di clausole che ti fanno pagare per la formazione

Anche perché l'azienda ha un enorme beneficio ad averti come apprendista, il costo della tua formazione è minore rispetto ai sodi che risparmiano sulle tasse che pagano

Finché non termini il periodo, che nel tuo caso sono 5 anni. Potenzialmente infinite volte

Ubisoft cares about money, the most money they can get is that if they release the remakes during Christmas times using the hype train of another ac game

Amazon potresti trovarne alcuni, altrimenti sui siti dei produttori del marchio forse c'è una sezione per la vendita a privati

While cbd is sold by most tobacco shops and some vending machines, thc is illegal and if they find you are using it you will get you a hefty fine and potentially several years in prison

Just stay away from weed, and if you think you can't live for a few weeks without it then I would suggest you might need some help

I will answer to the main question later because I wanted to know what did you mean with the last question.

A remake is a remake, same game, different game engine

But ac shadows releases in November, enough to give it media attention and hype to have a positive balance during Christmas period. I wouldn't be surprised if they released the remake of like ac1 using the hype train generated by shadows, releasing it in December

We might get ac1 and the ezio's trilogy in late 2024 or early 2025, but for any other remake we could have a launch window during the release of the next ac

That or we get a bundle of all the remakes (and I suppose they will throw in even ac3) using the same hype train of shadows.

Fully upgraded my ship first, then it became quite easy to kill.

Go near broadside, wait until you see that it's firing so slow down, get hit on the tip of my ship then unleash everything on her. Rinse and repeat

They are given the team reserve number, rather than their own number

I don't know if they can get a personal number or not

The problem is that this year his car is utterly shit. But what would be the point of side benching him when the can actually race

Ollie had that F1 seat locked probably even before the 2024 season, they made it official only now

He won a sprint in which is basically a back field car. Imagine if like Haas or Sauber won a sprint race, yeah Prema is this kind of bad

The car itself is the same across every team, but engineers and engines change between teams. Prema up until last year was one of the best teams, but this years it seems they are struggling a lot finding the right setup for the car, and since F2 (and F3) only get one practice session i doubt they will solve their issues shortly

I know they have planned a F1/F2 pirelli testing the week after Monza gp at Monza, but then i think they have like 3 races left so it would serve more like a testbench for the 2025 season

Minor correction, any driver which partecipated in any race in the previous two seasons has its number reserved for him if he wants to return racing in F1

The number 1 is reserved for the world champion and the number 17 was retired after Jules Bianchi death

Dipende se la ral che ti ha dato è quella già ridotta oppure se è quella finale di arrivo, ma l'unico modo per farlo è controllare nel tuo ccnl cosa vi è scritto per ogni livello e vedere se ciò che prendi te corrisponde ad un livello specifico o meno

Sul contratto CI DEVONO essere scritti gli scatti di stipendio, non gli importi ma il quando e a quanto corrisponde sulla ral finale

Detto ciò a parità di ral prenderai di più di una persona con contratto a tempo indeterminato o determinato

Se continui a passare da 35° con alta umidità a 22° senza umidità prima o poi ti ammali. Prendi condizionatori per tutta la casa e sarete per sempre felici

Avevo mia madre che è letteralmente uguale a tuo padre, convinta che il condizionatore sia una qualche sorta di trappola mortale. Ho fatto installare in tutta casa i condizionatori tutto di tasca mia e casualmente lei è diventata a favore dei condizionatori

2015 - F32 - 420d

Possible yes, find someone to actually do it i doubt.

You would also need a completely new software for everything, so i highly doubt someone will actually do it

In Italy we have "La Formula 1 dimenticata" which tells stories about old f1 races and drivers, but it's only in Italian