i must be tripping because i thought he was drafted into Utah because he was a defensive point guard

and it was most likely a receipt


don’t make him wrong.

also his daddy was a Blood. FOH

no shit.

it can be multiple things

Bird and Taurasi are legends and one point were the best players in the league.

the race part is ridiculous because Cameron Brink is right there

i never said it was appropriate just normal.

this is what happens when ppl like you talk about stuff they’re not familiar with

you’re in a subreddit complaining about fouls and used mansplaining even though this guy hoops

finish the bottle



but it’s also not the end of the world. idk how you jumped to that conclusion.

it’s not right, but it’s normal in contact sports.

career ending?! get a grip

shit is popular to talk about. ppl were “obsessed” with Kendrick v Drake. now we have something new to talk about. c’mon bro…you’ve been on the internet long enough to know this stuff

you know what, you’re right. there might be some jealousy.

but again, she’s not the only rookie getting hazed

this sub doesn’t have an obsession with her, but i feel like the way some ppl coddle her is insane

then y’all don’t know how professional sports work. Jordan made the game global and still got checked hard in games

it was called, but Angel Reese got clotheslined recently. also i agree that Chennedy should’ve been given a flagrant 1


so you bring up irrelevant stuff?

why do keep bringing up irrelevant stuff?