Cash is everywhere these days and it’s cringe but not tragedeigh since it’s not spelled like a cat walking on a keyboard. Bam is giving 90’s skateboarder


If more fans joining one’s fandom is a bad thing, I don’t think that makes one a fan, it makes one a gatekeeper. Share the joy


Stuff tastes different to me when I first wake up. Might be morning breath but not too different of a concept 😁


I’m torn as well, but I think in order to spend so much time and energy creating something, performing it night after night, etc you have to believe in what you’re doing. You have to believe it’s art, and that it’s expressing something about you, or it’ll seem fake.

I think there’s a different sound when an artist is clearly faking it. They don’t last as long, their songs sound hollow, and nobody connects with their music. To me that’s Mariah Carey in a nutshell. She sings emotionless songs in an amazing voice - her songs aren’t the art that’s on display, her voice talent is. But from a songwriting perspective, to me it sounds like she’s just going through the motions on many of her albums. The songwriting is kind of “faking it” just to give her a platform to show off her voice.

Now it’s very possible for an artist to create honest art about totally inane subjects, as Meghan Trainor and Charlie Puth sometimes do. But I tend to think they’re making an honest artistic effort, they are just expressing things that don’t resonate with lovers of “art” music or deeper topics or however you want to define people who look down their nose at pop.


Not sure I agree that the industry is in decline from a quality perspective. I think there are positive spins too - ease of releasing music has democratized music, giving the smaller artists a bigger voice and forcing fiercer competition, leading to more good music. This may have led to a declining “musical middle class,” but it’s still an evolving situation.

I think the biggest problem you’ve identified is that there’s just too much music to sort through. We’re forced to rely on algorithms, which all suck in my opinion. So we’re left with a FOMO feeling when we know there’s good stuff out there but we might be missing it.

Letting music die as an industry isn’t really an option because that’s just not how for-profit industries work. It will evolve and survive somehow, but whether the next version is best suited for the consumer or for the producer, or the corporations, remains to be seen.

“I don’t care what work life balance looks like for me but here’s a post with a picture so everyone can see what it looks like for me”

Unhinges jaw like a snake to eat this in one bite

His dead eyes stare through my soul

Nah they shouldn’t feel bad either. I meant the math to be like the tall guy should feel less bad than the less vertical folks, who shouldn’t feel bad in the first place

Also 6’4” and I can guarantee the others who refused were statistically shorter than you, aka should feel more guilty. 12 hours in a cramped coach seat at that height is just asking for back spasms. NTA

It’s spelled without a million excess letters, using the rules of phonics, and on top of that it sounds great. Not a tragedeigh!

The odds of success in high frequency trading are overwhelmingly low. And the longer the time period, the less likely trading leads to success vs. buy and hold.

People saying otherwise are likely doing so for the attention - if they make profits, it’s from social media views or selling courses etc, not from the trading itself.