Sorry, just saw this but currently, no. I don't use anything specific for curly hair.

I was out yesterday trying to get a picture of one, they kept running away the second I got my camera ready haha

Damn, I need to plan a trip to Oregon, beautiful!

Please, I beg of you, please, use conditioner. :D You need moisture if you want the waves/curls to pop. I used to not to put my conditioner in my hair and it was about like this but when I put moisturizer or conditioner in it, the curls come out to play. I was told to not use Pantene or any of the basic brands, they dry the hell out of your hair. I am still on the search for what works best for me but have been using Tea Tree Oil lately. Shampoo, conditioner, once I dry it, put a little moisturizer in it.

Thanks for your honesty! Yea, I agree, learning the camera is key, I took a few more shots today and already see improvements just with the kit lens. I am just trying to make sure I can get a wide range of shots, from landscape to a bird flying by and most definitely some night sky photos when in Scotland. Going to take a look at the Peak Design clips. Thanks!

I may have to go here on my upcoming trip. So beautiful! Now wish I got a drone instead of a camera but I suck at driving/navigating things in video games so that's where the anxiety of getting one comes in. 😂

I'm bi and a druid a Bruid? Ugh. Not the same, I tried though.

PHOTOGRAPHY HELP: 3 week backpacking trip as novice photographer. What to bring?Travel

I recently bought the Sony a6400 and wondering what I should take to my trip to the UK. I have the kit lens it came with and lightweight tripod but is it worth it to get more lenses? What should I keep the camera in, in case of rain? Extra battery?

Weight isn't too much of a concern with the camera, my pack use to be all car camping gear but I went ahead and took advantage of the REI sale and now it's about 20 pounds or so, base weight (need to get exact weight, apparently I don't own a scale)

I would normally do more extensive research but time is a factor here so looking to you all :)


What lens do you use? I am new to nature photography and have been trying to get some good bird photos, I know I'm not going to get them with my current lense. I have a Sony a6400. My issue is the wings, but also want a decent lens to be able to zoom in. Any tips appreciated. :)

I was a triathlete before I was a backpacker and honestly, it depends on you. People are so butt hurt when it comes to weight, but honestly, that problem can be fixed with a few extra days at the gym, want 10 extra pounds, train for those 10 extra pounds. If you want to miserable, be miserable. It's your life, do what makes you happy, I wouldn't worry about what the internet says, people just want to start arguments for no reason lol.

I am sitting here about to buy a camera, that is not part of the Ultralight list but honestly, I am going to be much happier if I am taking photos.

Best camera for a beginner/backpacker (wild camping/bear country backpacking)?Buying Advice

Good Morning,

I am looking for advice on a camera that I can take with me on my backpacking adventures, so it would need to be able to last through some weather, be lightweight (if you have accessories you would buy with said camera, please let me know). Most of the photography will be nature, both night and day.

I am trying to find one through Best Buy (no interest payments) so it can be a little more pricey but I don't think I want to exceed $1,500, preferably under $700.

I find myself just working with my phone for the most part but I want to be able to take some really stunning photos, just because on the phone, I don't see the landscape as I do when I am looking at it in person, I want to capture more than the image, but also how I felt when I saw the place, if that makes sense or am I strange?

I was at an art festival a few weeks ago and it really inspired me and I have been snapping photos sense.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: Budet is $1500.

Never have been stuck before, but I am also curious. I don't think I completely relate, but the whole concept of time goes out the window on my trips. Are you aware that you are stuck in the moment? Or does your partner say you were in there a while? If I get waves of anxiety, I just call it a bad trip and try to get my mind right.

Any particular cot you recommend? Yea, I felt I would use the cot on the car camping nights and when I am going on the 3 days, I may just suck it up and try to stretch do you use a pad on top of the cot or just the cot?

Backpacking with degenerative disc disease or other back issues - 2 week tripWilderness

Hey All,

Not sure I need too much of a background on my trip but I am going to be going to backpack the UK, will be 2 to 3 days max at each site, get in a car and go to the next spot.

I am doing a 2 week solo trip and I am trying to see what you all recommend. My base back weight is currently around 18 pounds including tent, clothes, blanket, thermarest neo-air sleeping pad, accessories. I am checking to see if a cot is worth it, a particular sleeping pad that's worth it? I haven't tried my sleeping pad yet, but camping one night this weekend to try it out. With that, it is my only opportunity I will have before my trip so I would want to get whatever else I need beforehand.

Thanks in advance!

UK and Ireland Trip - Where to go to get a sense of history of the druids?

Hello All,

I am doing a 2 week backpacking trip in June and want to explore the UK and Ireland but mostly want to see home historical sites, feel a deep connection, and see some amazing views. I plan to do most of my overnight stays in campgrounds and hostels. So far the only thing I have planned is Stonehenge on June 20th and then likely leave the area on the 22nd, plan is to have a car in the area and this is towards the end of my trip. I have been told to visit Anglesey, Glastonbury, Cliffs of Moher and want to maybe go to Glasgow, if I can fit it into my itinerary.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. :)

Wingspan! It's more challenging than the ones you listed as the ones you like but after a few play through, you will get the hang of it and explaining it is difficult for me, but I also take a gummy before boardgame night so that may be the issue 😂

Are the Catans all different? I got StarFarers and it's so different than regular Catan! I love it!

I've been hearing good things about Dominion and something different is preferred. So many types of games I have yet to try

I like that Ark Nova is too complex for them :) I have very different friend groups. Earth sounds like I may want to look into it! Thanks!

Yea, sorry, that is what I meant. 2 separate games for sure. When my friends say they like board games and then pull out Sorry or Monopoly, so looking for something for that audience and then other friends are more into D&D, play lots of strategy online games, etc, and for them I am looking for more complexity. I personally enjoy them all but if I have to play another game of Monopoly, I'm walking out.