But the idea that he even considered killing Ben Solo before he completely turned and did what he knew he was going to was absolutely unthinkable and "out of character". It's almost like a huge chunk of fans that continue to rage about Legends not being canon anymore never read it...

The whole "Gina Carano is a victim/fallguy" narrative is SO overrated and nonsensical. No matter what your opinion the bottom line is she was told to stop posting controversial tweets by her employer and refused even doubling down and did it more. At literally any other job in any other field if a person kept doing what their employer specifically told them not to you would expect to be let go. End of story.

I'm still not convinced he's a Sith at all but rather something to do with the Knights of Ren. It would be pretty shady of the showrunner to play the Kylo Ren theme song in Ep5 "just to throw us off" otherwise...

A lot actually. That's how body language works. The same instance you say "stares at his lips" she has a lightsaber to his throat. Seconds earlier she was looking at his eyes and rapidly up and down a few seconds before that. She's just trying to figure this guy out who is eerily calm all throughout these scenes.

I don't see the "sexual tension" everyone keeps talking about and think it's more likely their own perception on the scene. I see it more as Qimir completely showing he's unafraid of Osha. He let's her roam around, pick up his lightsaber, get real close to him in the most vulnerable position imaginable (naked), and put on his mask. This is a stark contrast to the way Sol treats his captive who shackles Mae. Undoubtedly this was done on purpose to subvert expectations of Sith/Jedi treatment of others and fear...

Hmmm....pretty tight fitting for "comfy"...🤔

Did the show say they created life from nothing or did Mother Aniseya only say "They have no father."? 😉

Yeah she did and while it's an intentional call back to Shmi saying "He had no father" it most certainly does not confirm they were created from nothing by the Force. Having no father and never had a father are 2 very different things. One of which I've heard single mothers IRL say...

Thank you! 😃 That said...there are some that would say this if a Jedi sneezed on screen because it's never happened before in any media form. But to the ones that are logically being critical I'd say there is a big difference between spontaneously creating life amd manipulating existing life. As I said we've seen the Nightsisters do that already and even on screen. Made Maul powerful in the Force, made Savage into an absolute monster, gave Maul legs... I would argue splitting an embryo with the Force may be new but it's certainly not lore breaking. But we don't even know what's happened yet and there's a good chance we may never know "officially". We'll have to wait and see.

Plus it is never explained how these twins were made just that they "were". The coven believe in "The Thread" and that all things in the Force are connected to it. This makes it an awfully strange coincide that they have a set of twins the coin flip opposite from one another (Light/Dark). The Mother says that the children will let them continue on but again doesn't say how. This makes me suspect that they somehow split them in the womb purposely to be a sort of payment to the Jedi and Sith for them to be left alone to do their thing. They are basically a baby mill for Force sensitive organizations. If you think about it the Jedi heard about these children being raised and trained by a secret witch coven how? What if they were told by the witches themselves and therefore Sith were told as well?

"1 for each of ya".

Kind of a wild theory but not unreasonable. The Dathomirian witches sort of did the same thing with Maul and Savage...

"Sith Intelligence waits for no one!"

Players have been asking for a sleeveless robe and a poncho/wrap for a long long time. This set could provide both.

They wouldn't necessarily have to be "discarded". If the Brendok Witches are anything like the Dathomirian Witches the males could just just be kept separate. If that's the case and males in their society are indeed used only for labor and procreation it could put an interesting social spin on the story as to why Qimir turned to the Dark Side...

This outfit specifically is one I truly hope we get an "inspired by" of in game tbh. Poncho and no poncho (just the sleeveless shirt) would be nice. Aside from the mask and the gauntlet it's pretty basic and easily diverse so I don't see why not...


Exactly this (except for it being way less than 2 years ago)

I've always found It interesting how 1 commenter will notoriously say some version of "It's not because we are racist or sexist but because it's bad!" (often with a lot of caps or all caps) and then 2 or 3 comments down is some of the most vile hate speech one can imagine...

The question is if this new style clips through the new hoods...

I'm constantly amazed how great some of these older sets look like with those super black dyes in them! 😃

Anyone saying the Rule of 2 is destroyed now is either trolling, misremembering, never read any EU material, or simply not been paying attention.

Every Darth that we know of by name never followed it except maybe Darth Zannah and I say maybe because little is wrote/known about her after Bane. Tenebrous? Multiple apprentices. Plagueis? Multiple apprentices. Sidious? Multiple apprentices and training an apprentice while one. Tyranus? Training an apprentice while one.

C'mon people...

Saresh is the perfect example of a well written side character and it's the kind of nuance that I had hoped we would get back to when BW announced that we were going back to a more "Empire vs. Republic" centric story before we got so heavily distracted by the Mandalorian infighting.

Dealing with the 99% of the rest of the galaxy (but mostly politicians, royalty, etc) was/is always a fun part of the choice making for the PC because you are able to see much more real life mirrors of those things when it isn't just black and white "good and bad" even if you are not that personally invested in the character themself.

In future storylines I sure hope we get more of characters like this...

Yes we need a new galaxy threat that isn't tied to anything seen previously in game for sure. Nightsister, Blue Coral Diver, Singing Mountain, Howling Crag clans, and undead Zabraks anyone? Yes please!

I've been saying exactly this since Ahsoka. Some more Force centric storylines that don't include a technological superweapon are loooong overdue...

"The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed, but I assure you my resolve has never been stronger. The war is over. The Sepratists have been defeated, and the Jedi rebellion has been foiled. We stand on the threshold of a new beginning..."

Voss is kind of the beginning of the unified class stories in the game. Pretty much from this point on every mission, planet, and chapter are either going to feel natural/good character specific. This is especially true tor classes from here on out. Things that will feel more natural for Force classes will feel off on non Force classes and vice versa more and more.