Alternative reading

Animal friend ship

Summons the orangutan Forever, piloting a steamship Strength.

Yes the orangutan is the captain.

Yes the orangutan has a name.

Yes the boat is the Stand.


If able, make a temporary second staircase to the floor with the stairs you wish to replace.

This gives the game a second path to the "ground", this allowing you to remove the first stairs.

(Obviously, this temporary staircase needs to be placed in a way that you would be able to reach every single tile on that floor, else this won't work.)

And then you realize you have to make the base Dark Silver TWICE if you want to feed an Ancestral to max.

...Do buffed Ancestrals even give more gear score than the weapon they eat? My memory tells me they were, gear score wise, the same.

So if you don't need those minor buffs, you can just skip boosting Ancestrals and just flat out use Dark Silver normally, saving it for a purple / legendary later.

Obviously boosted Ancestral is better. But ONLY better by the way of the RNG stats and nothing else.

The date for the release date is apparently tomorrow.

I hope he likes 5e24.

After many math tests on the onednd sub with what we have to work with, Berserker Barb was top DPR, over 10 points of damage above second place. (Which was Battlemaster Fighter)


Do they though?

Yes. Someone already did the math. 

Berserker Barbarian did AT MINIMUM 10 more damage per round vs other options. (With Battlemaster Fighter being the runner up.)

Said gap only widen vs most others, with many 20 points behind.

Note: If grappling was changed since the playtest, then no one on the internet can answer this question until August (end of NDA) or September. (public release)

Thundercloud proc.

You could thunder all day if the math liked you.

but to me they just sound like the casual XIV crowd that bitches when classes are too hard.

Too hard?

Are you actually reading the complains?

Barring the pre-76 "issue" (oh wah you need to do 2-3 ice things when the mobs come back), every single other complaint is about how Dawntrail Black Mage is too EASY and formulaic.

Indeed you do.

At 90 and above.

That doesn't help Eureka much.

Can you elaborate?

Are you saying Transpose -> Lightning ad nauseum?

Or something like Transpose -> Freeze -> Transpose -> Flare -> Flare?

This "bug" was once fixed.

The community yelled about it so much it was quietly un-fixed.

So for now, it "normal."

It should always be in v3, as that is the version separator folders.

I had multiple servers in Gloomrot, and all were in v2. And my sole Pre-Gloomrot server was in v1.

v3 is the location for all 1.0 server data.

v1 (mine is v3 since it’s my third server, yours is probably v1)

That is NOT what the "v" folders represent.

The "v" folders (short for "version") are for the major patch changes, and is why older patch saves are not recognized.

v1 is OG Early Access saves.

v2 is Gloomrot

v3 is 1.0

The saves you want to alter should be in v3.

Not to mention that it also means being able to see the invisible creature still doesn't remove disadvantage, as per Crawford himself.

Which makes See Invisible, Truesight, and every other sight option only do one extremely specific thing.

An invisible creature cannot roll hide whilst out in the open / fails hide if they move out of cover.

That it. That's the fullest extent of the benefit of """invisible seeing""" features, at least without a specific extra clause.

I have a feeling, IF invisible itself isn't rewording, expect a LOT of sight spells, if not sight DIRECTLY to have the phrase "gains no benefit from its invisibility" too be added.

...Have anyone official, on record, cite-able, actually said HM still has concentration?

Obviously we must assume so until told one way or another, but I find it amazing how the single most critical question about Ranger has been 100% evaded by the devs.

Most people are asking for specifics on the backwards compatibility. Like, exact math/text questions.

Which we still don't have.

Less confusion, and more that people think we publicly have the 2024 book in our hands.

Prerequisite: Ammunition

"Ammunition" in this context is a weapon property, and is on the weapon itself.

All ranged weapons (apart from the dart) have this Ammunition property.

The ammo itself does NOT have masteries itself on them. Only the weapon firing said ammo.

If it means I see more 6th level spells, as opposed to a 6th level up-casted Fireball, then that's a GOOD thing.

The majority of 5th and above spells are notoriously unused in live play, in lieu of upcasting 4th and below.

That design issue still needs addressing. Just hopefully on TOP of rebalancing 4th and below. (Which is, as you said, unlikely.)

Also buffing lategame spells seems weird when casteres were the most powerful anyway

That wasn't the issue here.

The issue is many 3rd level spells (+upscaling) were majorly more powerful then 5th-8th level spells.

There is a lot of "don't bother" spells starting from 5th and up. That needed to change.

I notice a distinct lack of Hunter's Mark.

So either all our worse fears are true,

OR, it's not a spell anymore? That would be wild. XD

(Or they just didn't talk about it.)

God things die in this game SO FAST if you know what you're doing.

So basically you IRL roleplayed 621 and beat the game. XD

Genuine congratulations.