
Probably as close to a 'smiling' picture as I'll get from Noodles.

Yeah it took me a while to find someone who made them. His collar underneath is ramen themed too.

Yeah my ex got me a small version of him for me as a birthday gift and my first toy. He has a nice texture and was honestly good for anal too. Unfortunately I stopped using him when I got my bigger toys and gave it to someone who was a friend at the time.

Yeah I'm currently excited though. I got curious last night and started looking through bad dragon and found they still had larger sizes of my first toy so I nabbed one for nostalgia. So now I'm waiting for my Medium Elden to arrive. Thought about getting a large but remembered his knot is a bit wide and didn't want to bite more than I could chew lol.

My favorite character I have is my sabertooth liger Xaphira. She's for more primal/scifi stories considering her planet is like a Jurassic vibe mixed with aliens/predator. If I knew how to attach a pic of her I'd add it.

If I could find the old picture I had of them together I'd show them but I think it got lost when I was switching things to my new computer. My fiance probably has it saved somewhere.

We have a lot of different characters together. We do a bunch of roleplays making different worlds and stories lol.

Yeah his character is an albino lizardfolk named Weiss who we usually pair with my wolf girl character named Kimora.

I got him in bone white and he just takes up a majority of the space in my duffel bag since I don't want to display him in my room and accidentally scare my dad lol.

I'll eventually get him in. Currently working on fully taking my medium slater atm and I'm almost there. Just gotta get that final bulge in.

My custom large Marcel I got to represent one of my fiance's characters... I have yet to get even his tip in and it's very frustrating.

๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿคฎ Absolutely not. I would have told them I'm not taking that. Management can fight me if they have an issue cause that's just vile.

I have a guy that comes in and full on sticks his finger in his mouth to give me money... While maintaining eye contact.

The left looks a lot better. Definitely more pleasant to look at and professional looking.

The right makes me think of a little Debbie cake someone tried to fancy up ngl.

I swear when I saw it I thought they sent me the wrong size. I can barely hold him he's so heavy.

It's okay I decided I finally wanted to get a large toy after having my handful of mediums thinking everything would be fine and I could surely handle it. Let's just say my large Marcel is just a statue that taunts me forever now....


His name is Noodles. Also known as Noods, Noodle Bear, Chonker, Stinky, Crack Head, and Asshole.

Yeah I'm not going to waste my coworker's (aka my manager) time. They were busy trying to get their stuff done so we could attempt to leave at a decent time and it was only us two like always. My boss took my side since he knows how our customers are anyway.

Had a customer complain about me for literally not having an item they wanted when I was cashiering. We were out and I knew we didn't have any in the back bc my coworker just finished putting back stock out. Told them we were out and they complained saying I was rude and just didn't want to check for them. Like I'm not going to get up and look for something I know isn't there when I'm the only cashier and already backed up.

You just can't make people happy no matter what you do in retail.

"Which one is open?"

As all other lanes have closed signs on them..

Yeah it's pretty obvious with his chonky cheeks ๐Ÿ˜„