For real. These are just flex post rubbing salt in the wounds for everybody else

Horizon :Horizon:

Games too hard and too sweaty. I would go DAYS without a win it’s not fun I quit back when catalyst got released

Rokket players are Gigachads

Your probably not using the right kaiba

I’d trade with you so bad I’d love to have the maid

Rokket players are Gigachads

Used too but we stopped talking after like 2019

You do realize both of these cards are unsearchable right?

This will only work once in a blue moon

Is this what this tectone guy does all the time? It says he’s stoked here but I was just watching him on stream just saying Wuthering waves is better and he didn’t even try to give this game a chance

They’re either Kuro shills or just haters.

People with valid criticisms asides obviously

Rokket players are Gigachads

Ok meme decks was a bit of a stretch but I did see a lot more rogue decks in KOG from what I remembered. I rarely played after getting KOG so my experiences might be unreliable

Rokket players are Gigachads

Idk what changed but back in the day people would just use meme decks in KOG. I guess some people haven’t gotten their 100 wins so that could be the reason why.

Ever since I noticed that KOG is still meta decks left and right I stopped bothering playing ranked afterwards. Maybe try playing later in the month when most people have gotten all their wins could be the answer but I haven’t tested that myself

This is by far the weirdest Reddit post I’ve read in a very long time. Assuming your not trolling I hope it works out for you. I don’t really understand how your feeling but good luck

If you’ve ever experienced 120+ you’d know why

Rokket players are Gigachads

This needs to be way higher up. I lost my OG account by not doing this back then.

UPVOTE this guys, you never know when you might return to the game

Rokket players are Gigachads

Go to and look for a deck that has a lot of KOG’s and pick the one that looks the most interesting to you. This’ll be your deck you use to get wins for PVP so you can get more gems. ALWAYS do your research before you spend gems because it’s very easy to set yourself back for weeks if you don’t know what your doing

Focus on getting every world and character unlocked because some cards are hidden in certain characters level ups and it’s also free gems. Also you get more extra deck slots.

If you want to learn how to get good then I suggest looking up a tutorial on how to learn Yugioh. Duel links has pretty much the same rules as the actual game except one VERY important thing, you and your opponent CANNOT respond to skills. You might not know what this means but you’ll find out soon enough.

That should get you going for now. Once you have a grasp on how to play the game and what decks you like we can go into deeper depth. First you gotta know wether or not you really want to plus this because this game gets very grind heavy