that would be ideal but sadly i think the likely hood of that happening is pretty slim

if they would just remaster bf 3 and 4 that would be great and bad company 2

runs to up to me like i havnt seen him in years. so many little kisses

your not wearing that it’s a part of your body and also it’s a fruit isn’t that ironic

be and individual and pic a color you like o

william wallace wore a fckn skirt and i guarantee your not even close to as manly as that dude was

what’s with the overlap of republicans and sharing a significant lack of education or in a surprising amount of cases even basic literacy

bro you have a tattoo of flowers on your leg and your upset about dudes wearing dresses lmao

oddly enough even if your old you can wear whatever you want. if you are shallow enough to judge someone off what they feel comfortable wearing that’s your issue not theirs. also who are you to dictate what someone else wears that’s your age and the same gender are you the fashion police lol?

russia is a shit hole and all these micro forehead imbred fucks too dumb to realize it

william wallace wore a fucking kilt and i’m quite positive you aren’t and never will be even a 1/16th of a man that guys was lmao

politics is where you draw the line… other peoples personal choices though.. that’s where you feel the need to obsess lol

i’m sorry that someone else’s clothing choices effect you that much. i hope you can get therapy to overcome this nightmare your dealing with

because it is effecting you in such a negative way you have to try to justify your beliefs with a random dude on the internet. you can complain all you want while actively saying it’s not harming you. but the reality is people can wear whatever they want whether you agree with it or not

why are you engaging with me? are you that sensitive? did i hurt your feelings by saying people can do/ wear whatever they want?

you just admitted someone you don’t even know wearing a dress is degrading you(your a part of society) … keep playing the victim bro!

but who cares right how does that effect you? your too worried about other people that’s no way to live

she should go live with someone else it shouldn’t be you job to move because her religious practis

great idea i’m sure they’ll get right on that