All I see is some flaming gingivitis

Idk who this is but at first I assumed this woman was traveling with kids (possibly solo?) and that’s why she was doing the updates and commenting about travel chaos. But is this a grown ass woman just traveling with a partner and acting like she’s in the trenches? What is happening

My 2nd and 3rd are exactly 14 months apart 🤪. Big surprise after doing fertility treatment for our first two and thinking we were done. Needless to say, that age gap is hardddd. It’s crazy to me people plan that out. My baby was 6 months when I found out I was having another baby! It’s crazy.

I hate activities. My husband family always wants to play games on the beach or play corn hole at bbqs. I hate it. My company keeps doing outings like painting with a twist or escape room. The holiday party was a cooking class. I cook every single day for my family, no thank you. I will happily hang out and socialize but don’t give me an activity. And that’s not to say im lazy, I’m very active.

Yes you’re right!! She mentioned Botox and a lip flip very recently.

I stopped following her years ago bc she was insufferable but iirc she suffered from infertility and had several miscarriages. Is she not being followed by a fertility doc? If so they would have definitely seen her that early on for bloodwork and ultrasound.

I’m not a praying person…and reading this message to Jen reed at first i was thinking oh yes that is a nice thought to be specific, and what the woman was saying about her kids was very sweet and resonated with me. But then….it took a turn. Like the power of prayer randomly compelled a family member to gift them money. I could see praying for a better future and then wow you get a better paying job. This just seems to miss the mark.



Tia booth buying a house with a non fenced in pool. Cue her moving again in a year and a half saying “idk why we thought this pool was a good idea with kids”.

Shes so impulsive. She saw Mallory was selling her house and HAD to have it. Just because you see something available and have the money to do it does not mean you should.

Not really a big influencer but just finally unfollowed talktargettome after she recommended treating your child’s ear infection with garlic drops and not needing the pediatrician 🫠. I used to follow her for target finds but she lost me after going full fitness/wellness girlie


It was always so awkward because you could tell when Michelle took her jabs too hard and when Ciara got offended. She would get really quiet and then Michelle would try to make up for it. I used to cringe listening. Weren’t Ciara and Abby roommates or did I make that up?

These look like my character tap shoes I wore in high school

He reminds me of Steve Howey and I love me some Steve Howey

And she says “long story short…”. She forgot the short part

As a hygienist, there is nothing worse than a perfectly capable patient who brings their spouse to the appt and allows them in the room.

Does it annoy anyone else that she will order this no matter the location or season? She ordered it in Italy and in Aspen in the dead of winter

I would not take any piece of advice this woman has to offer based on those eyelashes alone

How sad for the kid…and the mom. Imagine being a slave to wake windows 3 years in. No thanks

I agree!!! Clare was all set to say yea if he proposed, and then when he didn’t, he was an asshole. She was just pissed he didn’t pick her, which is fair. But I feel like everyone brushed over the fact that she was ready and willing to accept a proposal from Him

I’ve always been SHOCKED there isn’t one

Bagels, cream cheese, sweet treats, any kind of snacks. Ice coffee and creamer. Sandwiches from their fav place. Frozen dinners from Trader Joe’s. Just had my third baby and appreciated anything people brought by! If people asked if I needed anything, I usually said no because I didn’t want them to go out of their way. So don’t ask, just don’t show up empty handed! So sweet of you to ask.