Yes yes, I should seek professional advice, I will one day.
Yes yes, buying property in Sydney isn't the best return on investment.

However, I believe I might have a chance in coming years to purchase a 2 bedroom apartment to lease out for 15 years until my son's are working and may not want to live with me.

The idea is they take over the mortgage if/when they live there, or rent out a room if they want to live somewhere else.

I want to try and set them up to own half an apartment by the time they got to their early 30s to either give them a chance at the next step, or at least a place to live and avoid the next generations inevitable lifelong rent trap. I calculate mortgage payments in 15 years would be less than typical rent too, saving them money.

They have time, I have equity in my house, it’s just the two grand a month I need to find/sacrifice until it eventually becomes cost neutral. This becomes easier after kindy fees are removed from my life.

I've done the spreadsheet and I'm happy with the numbers (excluding any tax ramifications). I mean 10 years ago would have been obviously different, but it is what it is and will cost me a lot out of pocket each month.

it’s not about the highest return on investment. It’s more like an insurance policy to get them 1 foot in the local housing market that they may never be able to get in.

However I don't fully understand how it can all work from a tax/transfer point of view.

Ideally my wife and I own it and use negative gearing to help pay for it.

However if we own it, how do we transfer it to the kids down the line? Can you sell a property for $1? Can you "gift" property or would we have to die or something?

I understand if it was sold it would generate a CGT event which changes my numbers quite a bit.

Do I simply never "give" it to them and if they do happen to choose to sell and upgrade down the line, I take out the CGT and deal with it then. I can obviously hand them cash.
At this point i question the whole idea and look at dropping $2k a month into an ETF.

The taxation of this does make or break the idea it would appear.

Do I setup a trust that owns the property? How would that affect the above and can I still use negative gearing?

Surely I'm not the only one looking at doing this.

Im trying to understand the options better for planning, it would be at least 2 years before I could move on this.

Any insight, tips of pointing in the right direction would be very helpful!