Unknown MIGHT use hexes. Those are probably rumoured things, since they're real.

Chucky would in specific circumstances, but 90% of the time a stabbing will do instead.

Skurchant's probably chuuni enough to use hexes, but for form rather than function.

Blight may have too much brainrot or, ironically, not believe in magic as a monster of science.

Vecna would be all about them though. Just delightful new toys here.

I always assumed Cheryl alone had the power to kill God because her own supernatural power augments her attacks. It was just born, though.

Well, IIRC Alessa was groomed to be a vessel for "God", apparently because she was born with overwhelming psychic power rather than gaining that from the process. She split her soul in the ritual to impregnate her with it, creating Cheryl, then remained unable to heal until Cheryl's return procced full-on reality warping manifesting her many phobias and transforming her into a quasi-divine being, who then reincarnated herself into Heather. So you COULD say she's the daughter of a god in Alessa, and then she did indeed become impregnated with the god that started all of this, which is the one she killed, so she is also sort of the mother of a god.

I haven't played enough FE to get that. Man I WISH Pyramid Head was a guest unit in there at some point.

Dragonball Z is a statistical outlier and should not be counted. Ever.

However, no. Goku may not even be capable of feeling guilt given how attentive he is to his children.

Well, it is, but because it's a proper noun. But yeah, it was A god, and not quite a fully-formed one.

Yes, but even if it were on the table, it wouldn't be a reasonable trade. Back in the days before SWF, Survivors would dodge lobbies until they matched with each other anyway.

What they should do is buff Solo queue to get as close to the information sharing level of SWF as possible, then buff Killers accordingly once the threat of crushing solos is diminished.

Characters can still look or feel appealing. In DBD, even good perks are enough to make some people open their wallets.

Cheryl, meanwhile, has literally killed God with guns and possibly a katana.

PH isn't quite his own entity to begin with, though. He doesn't really HAVE a defined power level because he was created from Silent Hill for a purpose, and serving it wasn't about being strong or weak on a grand scale; just strong enough to hurt who it has to.

OG Nemesis or Mr. X for Nemi seem like easy money when Capcom seems pretty ready to collaborate, but no sign of them anywhere.

Fine by me. Army of Darkness Ash is a whole other creature in many ways and you can never have too much Ash.

There is literally no reason to make the PR more risky when you can just say "shapeshifter" or "mimic", that's all.

Right, but they said it. They've established a platform that they won't make anything based on Native culture, which is easily bypassed by just not using those terms.

It probably got lost in the shuffle with the perk technically changing.

Didn't DBD's Twitter itself remark that there will never be a Wendigo or Skinwalker because THEY don't want to offend Natives, and that's kind of enough to kill any such pitch?

Some tome challenges, but you wouldn't be trapped there the entire time. They even gave two tracks for it.

Yeah, I really hope that they buff Myers to have some QoL but counterbalance Tombstone addons to make that sound again.

The audio file is on the wiki, but it's taken from the movie OST.

Didn't Nurse see 7-blink builds before Omegablink took over? She's been adjusted a couple of times.

Yeah, they're really brutalizing Killers' slowdown options lately, but at least they still HAVE any.

You've gotta tech out of actually saying "skin walker". It's a Native thing so it'd be taken as disrespectful to make one. But yeah, let Unknown skin a deer!


It's stealing or at least replicating people's skin. Statistically speaking, if someone looks and dresses a certain gender, they're going to be that gender. Oh, and the cosmetics all describe the victims, and for the cosmetics noted here, they were all female.

Unknown's gender doesn't change because it's some kind of THING beyond the laws of human nature, but it's only wearing what appear to be women's skins for cosmetics, and it'd be some good variety if it skinned a few more dudes.

That's her Normal Human WomanFeet privilege showing.