They want us to be like fast food employees but also sell like actual salesman fucking clowns

Volcano Menu

I thinknits the shell, they are fixed in the am and help hot for the rear of the day. I remember that if the oil wasn't amazing, they would really pick up any imperfections

You're a fascist incel.

It's funny using words when they lost all power to anyone with a Brain. I think people are told so much in college and high-school that they need to be an ally, active bystander.... that as soon as they hear anything none-narrative, they feel a compulsion to report immediately.

I bet Stalin is rolling in his grave that the Americans managed to brain wash thier citizens better than him.

Volcano Menu

The crack is whatever. All the ones I've gotten were absolutely crushed with a bunch of sauce shot out of the shell

Looks great I would just move those small flower pots on the floor to another room, feels like a bit too much on the flowers

Volcano Menu

1st one I've seen that doesn't look like they body slammed the grill lid down

Volcano Menu

They seem to guck with the prices, all the boxes in my area went to 10+ then dropped down to a dollar above the original price

Volcano Menu

Yes by your state goverment.

Once had a piece of cold solder fall off a board and get in my eye, that was not a fun trip to the eye doctor. Shit was spikey like a kidney stone

Lol is this Roy? Sounds like you got the grade you were looking for

Oregonian bigfoot (died of dysentery) 🦍 :or-flag: 🌲

Math and science is real life bro

It's for your own safety, mad Oprah consumes all

I pretty sure they have efuses on the BCM instead of the blade fuses

The mirror guy does excellent work imo

Oregonian bigfoot (died of dysentery) 🦍 :or-flag: 🌲

If I'm doing calculations I'd much rather have 0.0625 if I'm cutting a board I'd rather have 1/16th.

The issue is its fully transparent. Needs to only be transparent on Tuesdays other wise 99.9999999% transparent. Where's my 3%

Oregonian bigfoot (died of dysentery) 🦍 :or-flag: 🌲

It doesn't? Learn decimals bro