Airplanes have three lights; one on the tail (white) and a green and red on the wingtips. At a distance it’s a little hard to see the colors but closer you can definitely tell.

I just told an 82 y.o. Man the other day this very thing and didn’t know Aaron Freeman existed. I guess I have my proof now. So lovely…

I would go to Glacier National Park. I was a Ranger there a few years ago and that place is so majestic. Going to the sun road is perhaps the most beautiful and scenic road you will ever drive on. The wildlife is there right by you and it had easy camping (RV’s) and back country camping. It looks like Switzerland tbh. Pull it up at NPS.GOV and check out the pics.

This will sound weird but it works. Tuck your shirts into your underwear, then they’ll be tucked in twice. Always did this with my uniforms in the Navy.

Subdural. So much better, same T. Way less pain.

Don’t forget the shop owner in Lake Arrowhead, CA who was killed for flying a Pride flag last August.

I think it’s a baby possum. Mother possum probably got spooked for some reason and scrambled away losing one of her babies in the process. Take care of cutie!

I didn’t know anyone sang sea shanties! Give me the name of just one.

Just read somewhere (can’t remember where) that if you take house spiders outside they can’t survive. Awful right?

How many ways can I say “ahhh”?

Self confidence goes a long way in this and other areas of life. If you’re not feeling it at first just fake it and soon it will be real.

I thought those were names of his children at the park??

I hope you realize this is extreme emotional abuse. Really. Do the make a plan thing and stick to it. For your mental wellbeing you need to have hope for the future. Don’t hope she’ll change, because she won’t. Take it one day at a time, and soon enough you’ll be out of Stalag 13 ( Hogans Heroes!). Adults plan for the future, and you’re one of those now.

Get Voice Tools app. My voice started at about 250 Hz and now it’s about 100 Hz. Super deep. No male in my family ever had a voice this deep. It still shocks me occasionally.

I agree-Hamas should give up today and call it quits. Ultimately it’s their fault this all started and innocent Palestinians are paying the price. All that can be true and my previous comments at the same time. Sometimes it’s all just politics.

Let’s remember that our intelligence agencies warned Israel that Hamas, backed by the Iranians, were planning an attack. Netanyahu was too busy trying to keep his butt out of prison to pay attention to the detriment of average Israeli citizens. No one thinks they didn’t have a reason to be enraged, but I still think Netanyahu is keeping this going because while he’s serving as the Prime Minister, the judicial stuff is in abeyance. I know that sounds super cynical but it’s probably true nonetheless.